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5651 | The global financial and economic crisis in different ways influenced the budget system of the Federation, therefore to analyze fiscal policy regions were grouped in such a way as to identify subjects with similar crisis consequences. In the article all regions were divided into nine types, they were subsequently divided into three groups. As a result of this work, we found that the most sensitive to the crisis was a group of regions with the average development, as well as areas of the economy which is the basis of engineering, also clearly observed low degree of competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. Among the regions, where the main focus is the mining industry, as part of the study we revealed a high degree of dependence on conditions in the world oil market. Under these conditions, the role of government fiscal policy, especially in the field of intergovernmental relations, is becoming one of the defining factors of socio-economic development of regions. Keywords: budget policy, Gross Regional Product, budget capacity, ideal transfers per capital | 782 | |||||
5652 | It is widely known that leisure is an important component of most people’s lives and it is fundamental in determining the quality of their living. The article offers a representation of one of the most popular leisure kinds in the modern American society – handmade. In the USA it is a serious type of leisure activity which is presented by a variety of forms, materials and techniques. Based on the research of special American literature (guidelines for handmade, handicraft magazines) the author of the article has identified the names of the main forms of handmade in America. It is important to note that the word “handmade” is not just a lexical unit but represents an independent concept with its individual components. Keywords: megaconcept, leisure activity, serious leisure, casual leisure, handmade, handmaker, handicraft | 782 | |||||
5653 | We consider the one-loop correction to the probe D3-brane action in AdS5 ×S 5 expanded around the classical Drukker-Fiol solution ending on a circle at the boundary. It is given by the logarithm of the one-loop partition function of an Abelian N = 4 vector multiplet in AdS2 × S 2 geometry. This one-loop correction is expected to describe the subleading 1/N term in the expectation value of circular Wilson loop in the totally symmetric rank k representation in N = 4, SU(N) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling. We also discuss a comparison with the matrix model. Keywords: The AdS/CFT correspondence, Wilson loops, D-branes, matrix models, the heat kernel technique | 782 | |||||
5654 | We present a strategy to get axially symmetric solutions in f(R) gravity by starting from spherically symmetric space-times. To do so, we assume the validity of a complex coordinate transformation, which acts on the spherically symmetric metric and permits one to infer the corresponding f(R) modification. The consequences of this recipe are here described, giving particular emphasis to define a class of compatible axially symmetric solutions, which fairly well describe the motion in cylindrical geometries in the field of f(R), in two different classes of coordinates. We demonstrate that our approach is general and may be applied for several cases of interest. We also show that our treatment is compatible with the standard approach of general relativity, evaluating the motion of a freely falling particle in the context of our metric. Keywords: complex coordinate transformations, axially symmetric solutions, f(R)-gravity | 782 | |||||
5655 | Cosmological Bianchi-I type model in the (n + 1)-dimensional gravitational theory with several forms is considered. When electric non-composite brane ansatz is adopted the Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation for the model, written in the conformally-covariant form, is analyzed. Under certain restrictions asymptotic solutions to WDW equation near the singularity are found which reduce the problem to the so-called quantum billiard on the (n − 1)-dimensional Lobachevsky space H^n−1. Keywords: cosmological billiards, branes, Wheeler-DeWitt equation | 782 | |||||
5656 | The article provides reasons for the urgent need of the search for the new content of the pro-active approach to life. This notion was widely used as an educational objective in the soviet period. The modern social and political environment has changed the context of the notion use. However, there is no single valued understanding of the notion concept. The article analyses different definitions of the notion “pro-active approach to life” presented by soviet and present-day researchers. The analysis presented in the article enables the author to specify the notion “pro-active approach to life”. The world outlook of a person directed at self-development and creation is defined as the basis for formation of the “pro-active approach to life”. The key element for formation of the “pro-active approach to life” is being responsible for what you do. Keywords: notion, content, pro-active approach to life, activity of personality, world outlook, responsibility, society | 782 | |||||
5657 | Communication in the professional sphere such as architecture has a multiaspect characteristic and national specific nature. In this article the object under study is the French architectural discourse and the subject is its speech genre differentiation. The French architectural discourse is a formation with a complicated structure resulting from the interaction of various discourses e. g. architectural (planning and design), scientific, academic, legal (administrative), legislative, journalistic, advertising. Within the subgroup of the French architectural discourse one can find the polyphonic inclusions, disseminations of those belonging to history, the study of art, medicine, theatre, sport, cookery and etc. The complicated nature of the French architectural discourse has given birth to a variety of speech genre forms (nearly a hundred speech genres) and functional styles. The architectural vocabulary includes not only terminology but also metaphorical figurativeness. Keywords: architectural discourse, speech genre, functional style, professional communication | 782 | |||||
5658 | In accordance with the planned results associated with the formation of the future teacher’s project competences objective method plays a special role, in our case, it is methodology of teaching geography. Methodical preparation serves an integral part of vocational education of geography teacher at the Pedagogical University. Professional activities of modern geography teacher, in accordance with the goals and values of the modern general education, geographical education of students and in terms of its standardization, includes a variety of activities: educational, research, communication, project, diagnostic, and others. It is essential that the project activity serves as fundamental one, the structure of which is much more complex than traditional planning. Project includes planning as a quality item. To achieve these results, a structure-functional model of the formation of project competence is worked out. The purpose of creation and implementation of structural and functional model of the formation of project competences of the future teacher of geography is the best possible and effective application in the educational process of method training and education in geographic teaching. Structure-functional model of the formation of project competence includes the target, substantial, organizational-activity and estimated-score units. Pilot training, conducted by the author on the basis of geographical and biological faculty of the Ural State Pedagogical University, shows that the formation of the project competences of students – is controversial, complex, long-lasting, non-linear process, which forms the subject position of the future teacher. Keywords: project competence, project skills, competence-based approach, teachers of geography | 782 | |||||
5659 | French gastronomy is the pride of the French nation. The French cuisine traditions play a great role in the attractiveness of France and its culture and the development of gastronomic tourism. This article deals with the French gastronomy discourse as one of the kinds of the national discourse, which is a complexly organized, multi – composition formation, interaction of legislative (legal) discourse in the field of public dietary and foodstuff trade, publicity gastronomy discourse, restaurant discourse, scientific gastronomy discourse, academic (educational) discourse of the cookery art, gastronomic media art, commercial discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the gastronomy expert discourse proper in the sphere of professional communication. The complex discourse nature of the gastronomy discourse has given birth to a variety of genre forms. Keywords: gastronomy, gastronomy discourse, speech genre, functional style, food, cookery art, a unit of analysis | 782 | |||||
5660 | The article is focused on problems and prospects of traditional Ket upbringing based on observations made during linguistic expeditions to the places of compact habitation of Siberian indigenous peoples and analysis of Ket tales and stories, presented in “Annotated folk and daily prose texts in the languages of Ob-Yenissei linguistic area”. Ket folklore can become an inexhaustible source for the education of the younger generation in human terms as well as in terms of preservation of national identity and respect for the unique Ket culture. It is commonly known that language, ethnicity, national identity are closely related to each other. However, under the specific conditions, that found themselves the indigenous peoples of Siberia (the unfavorable at present language situation for the development of minority languages), the attention of ethnopedagogics should be directed at promoting the material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the north within Russia and even the countries of the near and far abroad. Keywords: minority ethnos, ethnic cultural environment, traditional upbringing, material and intellectual culture, Kets | 782 | |||||
5661 | The article describes some results of a research on the techniques of teaching the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» to the students of the field «Applied Informatics». This work develops the statements of works [1–3]. The present article generalizes authors’ teaching experience and demonstrates some working practice. The research on educational process shows the necessity of subject field extension to provide future graduates with related theoretical and practical knowledge that will enlarge their professional skills and thus will forward them to be more successful and competitive in work. Thus, the aim of the study is to improve the existing disciplines’ programs to build a branched system of teaching and learning materials that will meet the requirements of contemporary educational process. In this article some questions of teaching techniques the discipline «Methodology and information technologies of project management» are considered. Some elements of electronic courses are presented, as far as the system of evaluation of educational achievements is described. Microsoft Project that is studied among existing management systems was chosen to demonstrate some evaluation tests and education material. The Moodle platform served as basis for summing up and testing of created techniques. Further goals on educational system development are also argued. It is planned to continue the development of electronic courses intended for supporting independent student work while studying the disciplines. The question of remote professor’s guidance is also mentioned. Keywords: competence building approach, field of professional activity, MS Project, project management, design approach | 782 | |||||
5662 | The article presents a short review of underexplored part of Ehrenburg’s artistic heritage – literary cycle “Conventional Sufferings of Cafй’s Habitue” – in connection with the phenomenon of the convention stated in the title of the cycle. The place of the reviewed cycle is accounted in the works of Ilya Ehrenburg in 20s of the XX century. The paper analyses ideological and thematic content of the text, its aesthetic and genre nature. The article deduces relation between convention as a literary device in the cycle and other arts that was Ehrenburg’s subject of attention. Convention as a literary device is compared with a line of cinematographic acceptances, what gives a whole cycle combination of essay and novella types of writing. Chosen locuses allow the usage of a round-up technique, which gives a panoramic view of reality to the cycle. Keywords: Ilya Ehrenburg, literary cycle, convention in literature, 20s of XX century | 781 | |||||
5663 | Artistic reflection of the young poet is described as a regulatory strategy of implementation of the results of inner world introspection, socio-cultural, linguistic and historical phenomena in aesthetic form. This regulatory strategy is explicated and uniform according to the type of the dominant regulatory tools, which include the intertext and metatext, forms of aesthetic incarnations of metahistorical and metapoetical consciousness of forming creative personality. In contrast to the mature poet, aspiring poet is more exposed to artistic reflection of collective memory resources, which reflected the results of the philosophical experience of previous generations. The memory of his own actions, deeds and experiences is being formed more clearly, so the author’s consciousness is to become a prism through which the “memory of art” eflects. Keywords: aesthetic reflection, regulatory strategy, creative language personality, aspiring poet | 781 | |||||
5664 | The article presents theoretical foundation for definition the nursing and upbringing period of mother care concerning the early aged child as a critical stage in woman′s life which requires special demands to her personal and social resources. It′s widely known that the discussed period carries the potential risks and opportunities for personal development concerning both mother and child. Observes the results of empirical study of the dominant coping strategies implemented by mothers in the process of coping with life difficulties and difficult situations or problems related to the care and upbringing of the young children (from one year or three years age). The evaluation was conducted in terms of the severity of the dominant coping strategies in the overall structure of coping. Keywords: coping, coping behavior, coping strategies, early age | 781 | |||||
5665 | The article deals with prototypical categories “man”, “woman”, “human” in the language conscience of men and women. The investigation is based on the theory of Oswald Ducrot and Jean-Claude Ascombre who suppose that the perception of the best representative of the category, that is typical of the majority of language speakers, underlies any lexical independent word. The aim of our research is to investigate the correlations between communicative-pragmatic potential of the adjectives and the degree of prototypicality of denoted quality in the perceptions of men and women about masculine and feminine qualities. The research bases on the experimental data obtained from Russian participants in our experiment. Keywords: prototype, category, prototypical world map, associative experiment, communicative experiment | 781 | |||||
5666 | This article refers to the analysis of derivatives of anthroponyms that are a part of naming of writers in German newspaper and magazine texts. During the study there were found and analyzed two types of word-building of proper names: compounding and suffixation, resulting in the formation of new nouns and adjectives. The derivatives of proper nouns are being discussed in connection to the newspaper functional style with its specials goals and aims. The study is based on more than 5000 analyzed examples of the writer namings that had been taken from the Internet versions of such magazines as Sueddeutsche Zeitung and Focus. Keywords: proper name, anthroponym, word-building, composite, compounding, suffixation, naming, newspaper functional style | 781 | |||||
5667 | Reconstructing the experience of using the capacity of some trial-search actions (Karl Popper Debate, joint activity forms: authoritarian, leadership, affiliate) has been proposed for the formation of students’ personal, communicative, regulative and cognitive universal educational actions. A database of the experimental study is the preparation of final grade students for final examination in the format of the Unified state exam in literature. It is suggested that each stage of the educational project (preparatory, theoretical, modeling, and presentational) requires relevant methodological and pedagogical support. The outcome of the project implementation is the development of the students’ subjectivity. This is possible due to the teacher taking an ambivalent position at various stages of the debate: remaining the organizer of the activities he or she can be authoritarian, partner or leader, depending on the nature of the project participants’ initiative. Each of the designated positions is realized in the relevant pedagogical actions, those of «informer», «coordinator», «editor» or «analyst». The development of the project is due to the changing nature of students’ semantic activity. The development and formation of the universal educational actions act as indicators of the project participants’ success. As a whole, the content of the activities organized by the teacher in the transition to new educational standards is discussed in this paper as educational designing within the innovative format. The main feature of this format is the phenomenon of the teacher’s «personal presence» in the design and organization of the educational reality which is created for the attainment of his or her professional goals. The presented project is understood as a way of educational technology introduced in the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (complete) General Education. Keywords: final examination for literature, trial-search action, Karl Popper Debate, joint activity form, ambivalent position of teachers, universal educational actions | 781 | |||||
5668 | For formation of visual model of prose from a beginning of XX century and about today the idea of Vasily Rozanov began conceptually important to print each fragment of his books - "Lonely" and «Fallen leaves» - with new pages. It is possible to approve, that in these books V. Rozanov visualized a discrete type of thinking inherent in epoch. Is remarkable, that the fragmentariness and not completely characterizes also some situations of philosophical outlook V. Rozanov. Visual paradigm in the Rozanov's text is unexpectedly shown in creativity most different in the style attitude of the modern authors, that emphasizes not simple following to traditions, but functioning of the certain visual model of epoch. The fragmentariness of visual shape of prosaic page becomes a dominant principle of organization of the text already and in young prose XXI of century. Keywords: a discrete type of thinking, visual shape of the text, visual paradigm | 780 | |||||
5669 | The article presents a retrospective of the appeal to the problems of network interaction, reveals the level of formation of the network theory in pedagogy of Russia, carries out the analysis of experience of formation of network interaction of educational institutions in rural areas for the purpose of its periodization, identification of specific problems of the present stage of formation of network interaction in the village, solving of which determined leading theoretical ideas of formation of network interaction of rural educational institutions. During the research the author found that networking of rural educational institutions is a complex, multi-level, multi-functional integral communication process aimed at fostering a common culture, spiritual-moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-development and self-improvement of the subjects of interaction, ensuring their social success, development of creative abilities, preservation and strengthening of health. Historical and pedagogical stages of formation of networking rural educational institutions are: 1991–2000 – optimization phase of rural educational institutions’ activity; 2000–2004 – restructuring phase of educational institutions’ network, being in rural areas; 2004–2007 – profiling training phase in rural educational institutions; 2007–2009 – formation phase of networking ideas in rural areas; 2010–2013 – formation phase of networking of rural educational institutions (real and online). Historical and pedagogical preconditions of networking of educational institutions in rural society in Russia include: high levels of spontaneous informal cooperation of rural educational institutions; development of leading theoretical provisions of the network pedagogical theory; formation of certain trends in the development of rural educational institutions’ networking. Leading networking base for creating educational institutions are a set of theoretical propositions about networking as a permanent dynamic system, the primary element of which is the precedent communication network event (draft, seminar, meeting, exchange of information, etc.), which involves two or greater number of subjects interaction, each of which brings to the process their own expectations and intentions. Keywords: networking, educational organizations, rural school, trends, historical and pedagogical stages | 780 | |||||
5670 | The article discusses the use of English small size nouns in the construction with the preposition of. With the exception of the construction a bit of and the construction a whiff of to some degree, all of these words used both within the above-mentioned construction and outside of this construction are characterized by a low frequency of usage, which is conditioned by a wide selection of small size nouns to pick from. The small size nouns individually display very specific connections with the poles of the quantity scale ‘availability of substance lack of substance’. The article contains a list of the main members of the noun group under discussion, considering the currently central problem of their grammatical status, and poses some more problems which require further investigation. Keywords: noun, small quantity, small size, construction, polarity, grammaticalization | 780 | |||||
5671 | In this article the principle of creativity is considered through the student’s preparedness to creative activity in the beginning of foreign language learning. The purpose of the present article is in defining and characterizing this preparedness not only as personal, but also significant quality of students within competence-based approach on the example of training in a foreign language. For achievement of this goal we defined the following tasks: to clarify the concept “preparedness for creative activity”; to define degree of preparedness of students for creative activity; to reveal the factors interfering preparedness formation. The article presents the purposes, contents and results of the questioning, which allows to get versatile information on degree of student’s preparedness to creative activity. Keywords: principle of the creativity, student’s preparedness to creative activity, factors of unavailability | 780 | |||||
5672 | 1. Сафонов М. А. Структура сообществ ксилотрофных грибов. Екатеринбург: УрО РАН, 2003. 269 с. 2. Гордиенко П. В. Особенности расселения некоторых видов ксилотрофов на субстрате с различными параметрами // Микология и фитопатология. 1986. Т. 20. Вып. 2. С. 185–186. 3. Мухин В. А. Биота ксилотрофных базидиомицетов Западно-Сибирской равнины. Екатеринбург: Наука, 1993. 231 с. 4. Мурашкинский К. Е. Горно-таежные трутовики // Труды Омского сельскохозяйственного института. 1939. Т. 17. С. 75–108 5. Сафонов М. А. Субстратная специализация дереворазрушающих грибов и ее локальное варьирование // Вестник ОГПУ. Электронный научный журнал. № 3 (7), 2013 г. С. 44–53. 6. Иванов А. И., Скобанев А. В. Характер накопления железа, марганца и цинка плодовыми телами некоторых ксилотрофных базидиомицетов (aphyllophorales s. l., agaricales s. l., auriculariales) // Микология и фитопатология. 2008. Т. 42. Вып. 3. С. 252–256. 7. Бондарцева М. А. Определитель грибов России: (порядок Афиллофоровые). Л.: Наука, 1998. Вып. 2. 391 с. 8. Nordic Macromycetes. V. 3: Heterobasidioid, Aphyllophoroid and Gasteromycetoid basidiomycetes. Gopenhagen: Nordsvamp. 1997. P. 383–620. 9. Сафонов М. А. Географические закономерности распространения ксилотрофных грибов в Южном Приуралье (Оренбургская область) // Поволжский экологический журнал. Саратов. 2005. № 1. С. 60–70. 10. Сырье и продукты пищевые. Атомно-абсорбционный метод определения токсичных элементов. Минск: ИПК Издательство стандартов, 1997. 12 с. 11. Бондарцева М. А. Афиллофороидные грибы особо охраняемых природных территорий Республики Карелия / М. А. Бондарцева, В. И. Крутов, В. М. Лосицкая // Грибные сообщества лесных экосистем. М. – Петрозаводск, 2000. С. 42–75. 12. Дунаев А. В., Дунаева Е. Н., Калугина С. В. Ложный дубовый трутовик Phellinus robustus bourd et galz в белгородских дубравах (биоэкология, распространение, вредоносность) // Научные ведомости. 2011. № 9. С. 35–42. 13. Богомолова О. И. Некоторые закономерности зараженности стволовыми гнилями Qurcus robur L. на территории Оренбургской области. // Известия Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. 2013. № 4. С. 224–226. 14. Ryvarden L., Gilbertson R. L. The Polyporaceaeof Europe. Oslo: Fungiflora, 1993–1994. V. 1–2. Keywords: xylotrophic basidiomycetes, Quercus robur L., trophic structure, biocenosis, destruction, heavy metals, Orenburg Preurals | 780 | |||||
5673 | A “visual turn” in the culture defined prevailing of visual characters in advertisement discourse. The body of man becomes one of the often used visual signs in advertisement discourse. In the article approaches and methods of research of body are considered as visual character in an advertisement. As basic methods an interview and focus are distinguished is a group, and also semiotic, structural and method of discursive interpretation. By adequate philosophical approach in the study of body a phenomenological hermeneutics can come forward in an advertisement. The phenomenological approach allows to explain the perception of the consumer of media images. The use of the hermeneutic approach will allow you to create a holistic interpretation of the corporeal image in advertising and to reach the understanding of modern models of reality with its system of values. Keywords: body, advertisement, visual sociology, phenomenological hermeneutics | 780 | |||||
5674 | Language culture of Siberian oil north is brightly represented in the work of the journalist Asya Shulbaeva. The article discusses the discursive interaction of concepts oil and good / evil in the texts of the journalist about Strezhevoy-city Tomsk region. Strezhevoy as a single-industry town has an oil field as a fundamental organizing principle. Media presentation of the city and its inhabitants, the economy of the Tomsk region is realized through the prism of “oil centrism”. Oil is not an ethical concept and is not directly measured in moral categories, but indirectly is good and social good, as everything about oil is portrayed as a positive phenomenon of modern economic and socio-cultural life of the North of Tomsk. Keywords: discourse of the journalist, interaction of concepts | 780 | |||||
5675 | The modern specificity of the sports game “volleyball” is considered, which is based on the technical and tactical abilities of players used by them in the high-speed game, where it is necessary to solve quickly technical and tactical tasks. All this is directly connected with a game environment in which fight on the volleyball court is conducted. In the game of volleyball, each player has to monitor a game situation, not allow the opponent to impose his game plan, otherwise there will be a game defeat. In higher educational organizations, volleyball is included in the work program “Elective disciplines in physical culture and sports”, so the trainees study the features of this game with interest, not only in training classes, but also in training extra-curricular activities. Therefore, playing volleyball, students practice skills to quickly respond to changing situations, make the right decisions in various circumstances, choose the most appropriate actions. In this regard, as practice shows, interest in training classes in volleyball has increased, it also has defined the relevance of our pedagogical research, in selection of the most effective complexes of special exercises developing speed of reaction to a moving object among students engaged in the volleyball sports section. Keywords: speed of reaction, visual orientation, speed of motive reaction, reaction to a moving object | 780 | |||||
5676 | The article reviews the practical work organization in the general chemistry field based on the three levels of student’s autonomy in the five practical course thematic areas. Methodically we stated the use of individual and group educational forms, practical work in pairs or in small groups and defining for each student his\her plot of study, for which he\she is personally liable. Attention is paid to teacher guidance during the practical course and when the need arises, teacher gives the appropriate assistance to students, while not reducing their autonomy level. There were identified various student’s skill levels: Initial – reproducing (reproductive), which characterizes the student’s ability to reproduce already running in one way or another work earlier; average level of autonomy manifestation – a dependent (non-productive), which characterizes the student’s ability in the narrow knowledge transfer implementation, actions by analogy implementation; top – an independent, creative (productive) level when students can perform complex tasks. There is attributed a relevant subject experimental work of the practical course to each of its levels. A teacher is proposed to use the developed practical course kit in various educational situations. The attention is focused on the preliminary student’s preparations in order to carry out experimental and practical works. It is advisable to summarize the student’s research results of the practical course in the discussion form at seminars, final conferences. There were outlined the features of the practical course thematic areas: theoretical studies – theoretical positions experimental verification, their application in practice; preparative papers – for example, training features; analytical work – research skills synthesis and development; works in chemical engineering subjects – for example, to present to the students chemical plants characteristic features; in ecological-valeological studies – to obtain reliable information about the environment. There is stated the application of different approaches to the process charts compilation, depending on the activity specific to practical course different thematic areas. Also there is made a case for carrying out an experiment on the basis of the research methods of the qualitative analysis (for example, the substances «quality» definition, the detection of separate elements included in the tested compounds). This will provide an opportunity to show the value of substances information in various professional fields. Keywords: Independent work, workshop, problematic approach, card-instruction | 779 | |||||
5677 | The article deals with the conditionality of style and genre of a dramatic work, depending on the audience. V. Sollogub is an author of the two plays on Caucasian topic. One of them – “Night at dukhan” (“dukhan” – Caucasian avern) is adressed to the Russian public and represents a kind of the comic sketch close to a vaudeville. The other – “The Night before Wedding or Georgia in Thousand Years” is adressed to the Tiflis's audience and is written in genre of comedy-utopia. The playwright came to utopia in connection with his views on the future development of Caucasus. He saw the mission of Russian Empire in cultural conquering of the region and in interpenetration of Russian and Caucasian cultures. This was something like ongoing of peacemaking attitude of the Caucasian governor M.S.Vorontsov who practised a very wide politicy of enlightment. The plotline of the play is based on events contemporary for the author, and the illusion emerges due to plexus of the recognizable and straightly visionary episodes. The comic story does not prevent the playwright from giving deep characteristics of the present and the future. Sollogub touches upon a subject of the Western civilization, the Age of Enlightenment, the problem of nationalities in future, the women status. The comedy is written in the refined language involving Russian-Georgian bilingualism. Keywords: V. Sollogub, utopia, illusion, Caucasus, comedy, multicultural, genre, style, audience, historical reality | 779 | |||||
5678 | We have studied specific mechanisms for creating of artistic model of small prose genres based on variant use of the principles of conditionality. Observations are made on the conceptual framework, on the formal principles expressing the author's position of short stories by Mikhail Bulgakov, S. Semenov, O. Forhs, which is devoted the problems of man and history, man in the historic civil confrontation. We analyzed productive genre and style forming guidelines, that let the writers develop an image of the world that combines visual and expressive fundamentals allowing authentically reflect historical reality and at the same time convey the nuances of human consciousness and the subconscious in the historical reality deforming the man. Conclusions have been drawn about the nature of artistic experiment, based on a synthesis of the classical tradition and contemporary trends that influenced the formation of individual style of writers that defined the aesthetic strategies in Russian literature of the 1920s. Keywords: poetics, small prose, artistic convention, expressionism, direction, realism, synthesis, method | 779 | |||||
5679 | This article, based on the material of “AiF in Tomsk” appendix for 2008–2010 considers different types of regulatory strategies, which are typical not only for literary texts that were previously identified, but also for regional media discourse. The research is carried out with the communicative stylistics, oriented at the analysis of the dialogue between the author and the reader of newspaper and journalistic texts, which is possible owing to their particular organization and selection of language means. Different texts on the same topic analysis allowed defining some features of the journalists’ texts on the level of their regulatory tools, structures and regulatory strategies. The largest communicative effect, according to the survey of informants, is caused by regulatory strategy of paradoxically contrastive type thanks to contrast and irony techniques, as well as various regulatory tools. Keywords: communicative style of the text, regional media discourse, communicative strategy, regulatory strategy, the strategy of paradoxically contrastive type | 779 | |||||
5680 | The article investigates the little-known in the national historiography events associated with the early history of Canada, the French and Scottish colonization of America in the XVII century. Acadia/Nova Scotia (now the territory of one of the Maritime provinces of Canada) was in the midst of the Anglo-French colonial interests collision in a military conflict 1627–1629. Considers the conflict of father and son de La Tour which occurred against the background of these events and received a mixed assessment in the historiography. After arriving in America the first time in the early XVII century La Tours were at the origins of the first French settlements in Acadia and were experienced colonizers. In the late 1620s, these representatives of two generations of French families were on opposite sides in the Anglo-French colonial confrontation. The facts confirming the intention of the captured British Claude de La Tour to take British citizenship, not only for himself but also for his son who stayed in America. In this context, it shows the interaction of La Tour-older with Scot Sir William Alexander – the founder of the Scottish colony of Nova Scotia and Order Baronets of Nova Scotia. The conflict of Claude de La Tour and ignorance of his intentions by the son of Charles is analyzed on the basis of documentary evidence of the French colonizer Acadian N. Denys. The Russian translation of Denys’s notes in Russian historiography is presented for the first time. Keywords: Colony, America, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Claude de La Tour, Charles de La Tour, William Alexander | 779 | |||||
5681 | In the historiography the process of formation and development of Russian national organizations, as well as their participation in the restructuring and the dismantling of the Soviet system is poorly studied. Studies show that during this period they participated in the struggle against the CPSU and leftist movements, providing support for the “right” for liberals and democrats, advocating in their programs the need to abandon the planned economy and the multinational state. The analysis of works of nationwide historiography allows us to conclude that the use of Western Siberia materials and involving them in the context of Russian national research organizations is not enough. The authors studying the problem at the national level used primarily governing body documents and materials on the activities of Russian nationalists in the European part of Russia. Researchers from Western Siberia in relation to 1980's examine the activities of “Memorial” and “Memory” to 1990's, in fragments studied activity of the Russian National Union (ROS), the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), the Russian Public Movement (ROD), the Congress of Russian Communities (KRO) and Russian National Unity (RNE). Western Siberia, one of the few regions in which conducted the analysis of the organizations that declared themselves as Russian national that makes it possible to study the activity of these organizations in order to their political doctrine. Keywords: Russian nationalists, etatists, national discourse, historiography, political life of Western Siberia, monarchists, the Russian Orthodox Church abroad | 779 | |||||
5682 | The article deals with the problem of shaping professional and specialized competence of penal officers. The aim of the research is to prove that in the light of the reform of the penal system and the transition to the new federal state educational standards of higher education it is necessary to consider the specifics of the penitentiary system employees’ activities in the formation of professional and specialized competences of students. The author analyzes the Federal State Standard on Higher Professional Education of the third generation and the curricula of Perm Institute of the Federal Penal Service in search of means of shaping these professional and specialized competences. The article suggests the ways of formation of professional and specialized competences. The author analyses characteristics of the personality of penal officers, their professional activity. The author develops the model of training of the bachelors of the dog handling profile of preparation of the cadets of Perm Institute of the Federal Penal Service. Keywords: competence approach, professional and specialized competence, penal officers, kinology, penal system | 779 | |||||
5683 | Structural types of folklore and historic anthroponyms are revealed in the article. Proper names are important elements of the nominative system of every language. This article deals with personal names (anthroponyms) and their structure. The most frequent structural types of anthroponyms are investigated; their semantics and functions are studies. The author makes comparisons between folklore anthroponyms (found in Russian fairy tales) and historic personal names. Dual tendencies of personage naming reflect the dynamic of changes in the nominative system of the language. Thorough analysis of the above mentioned changes helps to discover the time frame of this process. Formation of official modern naming system is studied. Keywords: proper names, anthroponyms, onomastics, structural type, semantics, folklore, Russian fairy tales, archive documents | 779 | |||||
5684 | Introduction. The words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) have become a kind of indicators of social, economic and political changes, which had a great impact on language personality of the Russian native speaker. The aim of the article is to research into the dynamics of thesaurus fragment, which is verbalized with words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar). The analysis is based on lexicographical and corpus data. Methods and material. The main material used for analysis is: data taken from explanatory dictionaries published from XVIII to XXI century, associative fields mined from associative dictionaries, and text fragments extracted with the help of The Russian National Corpus. These materials make juxtaposition analysis of lexical semantics dynamic processes possible. Results and discussion. Juxtaposition of explanatory dictionaries materials as well as “Russian Associative Dictionary” shows that ‘the mirror of associative dictionary’ is indispensable for studying particular fragments of reality. Interconnection between associative fields and systemic lexical semantics fields is obvious. The study directed from system to text shows the gradual changes in semantics structure of two synonyms. The research traces the establishment of their axiological specialization. The word rynok (market) develops a new meaning over time – “sphere of commodity exchange”, which is further reflected in the expansion of its lexical compatibility. Since the semantic component “noise” actualizes, the figurative meaning of word bazar (bazaar) emerges – “loud conversation”. Bazar (bazaar) in the native speaker’s mind is a space where one can be easily deceived. Rynok (market) on the value scale of everyday consciousness is also associated with theft, high cost and chaos, which is largely due to the influence of socio-economic factors on the language consciousness. Semantic differences between two synonyms and contamination of different meanings become the basis for creating language game. Conclusion. The meaning of words rynok (market) and bazar (bazaar) verbalize the crucial for person’s life fragment of reality. Throughout the long history of functioning, their semantics underwent significant transformation that can be revealed at various levels: structure of the meanings fixed by lexicography, associative and verbal level of language personality. The observations show that in the semantics structure of word rynok (market) the new meaning (‘system of exchange relations’) tends to prevail over the traditional one (‘place for trade’). Lexical unit bazar (bazaar) contains connotations in all meanings. Keywords: lexicography, lexical semantics, associative field, connotations, synonymy | 779 | |||||
5685 | The article is about one of the ways of modernization of education based on competences, namely: using interactive forms of teaching. Creative task, group work, role play, mini-lecture, project work, warm-up, training, block modular organization of the lesson, Position-Substantiation-Example-Result formula are considered to be the common base of interactive technologies. Each of them is aimed at formation and improvement of definite competences. Learning the theoretical conceptions and practical recommendations of psychologists and teachers shows that using interactive means of teaching allows to make Russian lessons not only effective and interesting but promotes activation of the students’ cognitive activity that is a key moment of teaching. The actuality of the stated problem is caused by sharp reducing of the students’ cognitive interest and motivation to the problems of language culture. A lot of complex problems of lexicology causing some students’ difficulties are used as lingua-didactic material to comprehend this task. Keywords: interactive technologies; competence approach of teaching; regulative, cognitive and communicative competences; Federal State Educational Standard; interactive lesson; difficult problems of lexicology | 778 | |||||
5686 | The article deals with an important stage of the migration process in the pre-war period in the Soviet Union – Resettlement of demobilized Red Army. The problem of fixing this category of settlers is one of the key for the understanding of the basic indicators of policy failure and the reasons for the relocation operationsto. We consider the actions of the power structures to attract and retain immigrants in the Far East, conclusions about the main achievements and shortcomings of the measures taken. Analyzed the statements of individual immigrants and their families, as well as the old-timers on their relationship to the process of resettlement. Keywords: Demobilized Red Army soldiers, resettlement, the resettlement plan, migration, the old-timers, farmers, operationsto, quartering, kulaks, Soviet Far East | 778 | |||||
5687 | Art education and esthetic education of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of modern school. The development of color as a means of expression in the visual arts plays a great role in the development of the child. Emotional responses to color, their recurrence, a positive direction become the basis for the development of the sense of color. The variety оf method, used in the classroom fine art (mental journey, the choice of verbal analogues, composition of color combinations, analysis and interpretation of art works), techniques («entering the picture», «renewal the picture», «recovery items»), plastic exercise to increase consciousness, experience and the ability to express their attitude to the colour graphically, verbally, plastically. The child, possessing a sense of color, emotionally responses to color, separates and creates favorable color combinations and consciously uses them in esthetic activity. Keywords: color, sense of color, method, technique, emotional responsiveness to color, art activity | 778 | |||||
5688 | The paper is devoted to the personage classification analysis in literary criticism, its adaptation to the personage system of Scottish emigrational poetry and investigation of image characteristics of «old» and «new» Motherland. Prof. M.A. Novikova’s classification of artistic space is taken into account. It includes the opposition of own place and other place, space of center and periphery, space of border and contact. There are different classifications based on diverse approaches: 1) unipatrides, expatriants, apatrides; 2) religious persons (St. Andrew), historical persons (Robert I the Bruce, 1274-1329), Sir William Wallace, c. 1270-1305), Robert Burns, 1759-1796)), dwellers of Scotland’s regions (Highlanders) / the USA regions, family and home personages (husband, wife, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, friends), natural actuals of Scotland/the USA (Grampian Hills, Wood of Clova, Noran Water). The contrastive analysis of the personage system of Scotland’s poets (who didn’t emigrate) with the personage system of the USA’s Scottish emigrational poets is made. In the poetry of Scotland’s poets such additional personages are found: Fergus I (ab. 434 – 501), Kenneth MacAlpin (810-858), Duncan I (1001-1040), Malcolm IV (1141-1165), John Knox (1513-1572), Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), James Melville (1556-1614). Contrastive analysis of patriotic images and motives proves that emigrational literature can be treated as diasporic literature in case emigrational literature appeals to the historical and cultural traditions of the Motherland country (Scotland). Keywords: Motherland, Scotland, the USA, emigration, personage, poetry | 778 | |||||
5689 | The article deals with one of the key trends in the study process at a technical university – a professional-focused direction in foreign languages teaching methods, the aim of which is to form a foreign language competence in the professional field. The authors consider the significance and multidimensionality of this problem in a technical university educational process, in particular, in training of correspondence students. The authors presume that professional-focused training can significantly enhance the motivation of the students to master a foreign language, since they realize the practical benefit of this knowledge for their future successful professional functioning. The experience of working with correspondence students at a technical university, monitoring their language needs, allows the authors to present a model of professional-focused English language teaching, the key characteristic of which is the creation of the actual teaching and methodological support of the discipline „Foreign Language“. The authors‘ opinion is that the actual content of the discipline will contribute to the realization of the language needs of the students and will help in their future professional activities. The authors generalize their experience of creation of the professional-focused textbooks in the English language which provide learning efficiency; note that texts material is related to the specifics of future professional activities; the semantic and linguistic availability of professional-focused texts is intended to form a system of concepts related to basic professional knowledge, to activate students’ cognitive activity. Keywords: technical university, correspondence learning, foreign language competence, professional-focused training, integration with special disciplines, language needs, methodological model of foreign language professionally-focused teaching, professionally-focus | 778 | |||||
5690 | The relevance of this study is due to the socio-cultural aspects associated with the development of visual communications in modern urban space. The visual landscape of the city assumes an abundance of advertising information in various spheres of human activity. This leads to an increase in the requirements for people of different specialties in the field of visual communication skills. The problem is a contradiction: on the one hand, the visual level of the urban environment is constantly growing, on the other hand the approaches to education in this direction are not so wide and do not meet the requirements of the time. At the moment, there are many technologies for solving creative problems in the visual arts and design - this is a whole spectrum of researchers who pay attention to the issues of a full-fledged educational cycle, but the problem is to correctly choose and integrate them into the accelerated educational process (refresher courses). In this regard, the issue of creating a methodology for teaching the composition and working with it within the framework of the advanced training courses “Graphic Design. A basic level”. The goal was to create the most concise and effective way of learning to work with the mounting composition and the principles of working with a stain within the framework of this composition. Attention is paid to the processing of visual images in a virtual environment, through the Adobe Photoshop CC raster graphics editor, to achieve the maximum speed for processing visual data. Approaches to creating an assembly composition with pre-prepared image libraries are described. The article will be useful to teachers of creative specialties, designers, artists, researchers in the field of visual culture. Keywords: mounting composition, shaping, theory of composition, design of visual communications, visual urban landscape | 778 | |||||
5691 | Introduction. Based on the substantiation of the relevance of the search for ne w tools and technologies for the organization of independent activities of students, the problem of building a modern methodology for its organization in the system of professional training is highlighted. Aim and objectives. Building a methodology for organizing independent activities of students in the modern educational paradigm for the vocational training system. Material and methods. A clarification of the conceptual apparatus has been proposed: independent work is understood as a set of independent target activities, each o f which is composed of a system (base) of actions. At the same time, the ability of independent work in the process of learning is understood as the ability of the learner to perform (rep roduce) the construction of a system of independent activities and to carry out the actions included in these activities for the reliable achie vement of the set educational goal. The characteristic features of independent work in the vocational education system are highlighted on the basis of analysis and comparison of the totality of the used independent actions and the structure of the system of independent activity when performing independent work. Results and discussion. The characteristic features of independent work in the modern educational paradigm are: 1) individualization, which will manifest itself and be recorded in the set of available actions used by the student, constituting independent activity, and feature s of the structure of independent work as a system of independent activities, 2) the need to ensure corporate professional communication. It is proposed to use the interaction of cloud personal educational environment of a teacher and personal learning environments of students as the main means of forming the skills of independent work and the formation of the information field of independent activities. Taking into account the formulated provisions, a structural-functional model of the organization of students’ independent work using cloud technologies has been developed. Conclusion. From the standpoint of the proposed methodology in the implementation of the competence approach for building a methodology for independent work, the levels of ability for independent work are proposed to be determined as follows: the level of knowledge of actions; the level of ability to perform actions; the level of knowledge of activities with the actions that make up the independent work; the level of implementa tion of activities with actions constituting the independent work (including the design and modeling of the system of activities). Keywords: independent work, independent activity, learning activities, information and communication technologies, cloud technologies, personal educational environment, personal learning environment | 778 | |||||
5692 | The article focuses on the analysis of the structural components of the content intended for power engineering students’ professional communication training and specifies the factors affecting the methodological organization of the lexical and grammar material. The methodological model allowing the combination of the communicativecompetence approach to the teaching and systematization of the teaching material with information technologies is also suggested in the given article. The use of the following components of information technologies such as webinar, chat and various types of forums positively affects the development of communication. The conclusion is drawn that the acquisition of the productive forms of speech is possible on the basis of coherent texts with definite thematic content. Keywords: structural components, content, professional communication training, methodological organization, lexical and grammar material, methodological model, communicative-competence approach, information technologies | 777 | |||||
5693 | The article reveals two versions of the texts of the most famous play-tale by L. Filatov “About Fedot-the shooter, daring good fellow” in the aspect of transformation of folk motifs. The article determines the level variability of the original texts (focus on the first publication of the text of the play in 1987 and the latest edition of the author's lifetime), compares events and motives in correlation with the variants of folk tales “Go there – do not know where, bring it – do not know what”. The article analyzes the system of characters in the folklore and author’s fairy-tale. Also analyzes fundamentally different finals in the texts of the play-tale of different years. Keywords: L. Filatov, Russian folk tale and its variants, author’s dramatic fairy tale, the action of the play “About Fedot-the shooter, daring good fellow”, variability in the literature | 777 | |||||
5694 | In this article, I focus on the complicated variant of Collective moral responsibility, which is presented as the idea of vicarious responsibility. Using the idea of Collective Responsibility today has a lot of controversial statements. The main point, which is fixed in philosophical objections, is the principle of personality and autonomy. The idea of Collective responsibility eliminates personal responsibility, so we have the situation when nobody takes responsibility. However, today social changes, when to define real person action is impossible due to many reasons, researches have to investigate other types of responsibility, for instance collective. Collective agents such as nation, corporations, social institutes, human being need moral state, just because their actions have extensive impact and moreover the consequences of their actions have long term effects. The theoretical and practical gap is the source of the paradoxical situation. On the one hand, the paradigm of individual responsibility cannot be used for collectives, and on the other hand, the group’s activity avoids moral estimations. In this article, it seems that the idea of vicarious responsibility has a chance to connect individual and collective measurement of responsibility because it can be characterized as the space where individual and collective exist simultaneously. Vicarious responsibility deals with moral senses such as blame, shame, repentance which a personality has when other members of group have done. It is thought that the reason for this kind of experience becomes a moment of identification of the individual with the group on the basis of national, religious, professional or other interests. First fundamental question of collective responsibility and collective guilt was presented in the works of Karl Jaspers and Hannah Arendt. Philosophers have formulated the question of responsibility and guilt for the crimes of the nation's human scale, actually identifying the subject of the blame to the people. The German people were presented as a subject of collective moral responsibility. Later on, the idea of vicarious moral feelings was working out through the question: “When and under what conditions vicarious responsibility is?” Keywords: blame, collective moral responsibility, group’s liability, deed, political responsibility | 777 | |||||
5695 | In this article we analyse specifics of functioning of the so-called verbative synlexes (steady combinative neutral nominative units of language which arise and are used in texts of different functional styles; analytical analogs of the verbs) in publicistic texts placed in the National case of Russian. The object of the statistical analysis is the following units: “brat’ (vzyat’) v arendu chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za obrazets chto-libo”, “brat’ (vzyat’) za pravilo, chto-libo, chto delat’”; “brat’ (vzyat’) pod kontrol’ kogo-libo/chto-libo”. Also we consider some general features of the use of the verbative synlexes and illustrate them with the examples from the publicistic texts: the verbative synlex as the only unit of nomination, synonymy of the verbative synlexes and the verbs, the adjective as an element of structure of the verbative synlex. Keywords: verbative synlexes, functioning, publicistic texts, National corpus of Russian | 777 | |||||
5696 | The first step of the problem solving process is problem identification and problem statement. Existing problem analysis models are overspecialized. The article substantiates the approach to building a universal analysis model of a wide range of problem situations, regardless of context and subject fields. The main approaches to the problem analyzing process are mapped; key factors related to the efficiency of the problem to task transformation are identified. It is shown that the model developed on the basis of cognitive approach meets the requirements for the design of a universal problem analysis model. The hypothesis of the research is that the use of this model will allow to develop a complete orientational basis of action of problem to task transformation, regardless of context of the original problem. Keywords: problem solving, problem situation, task, orientational basis of action, psychology of thinking | 777 | |||||
5697 | The article analyzes the little studied component of the national culture – the religious artistic discourse of the first third of the XX century: lyrical texts, created mainly, in the conditions of exile and camps of 1920–30. Tatyana Nikolaevna Grimblit’s literary heritage, extracted from archival sources, is compiled into scientific circulation. She composes several dozen poems, which can be regarded as a kind of an auto-commentary on her life. The poetic texts of T. Grimblit are lined up in a certain plot, revealing the main landmarks of the heroine’s spiritual path and reflecting the appearance of the epoch. The religious-ethical picture of the world of T. Grimblit is investigated, based on the Christian doctrine and defining the specifics of the chronotopic system of lyric poetry. Specifics of the spatial poetics of lyrical texts T. Grimblit are determined: the principle of dichotomy, which includes an image of an obese socium, on the one hand, and sacred reality on the other. To the spiritual sphere is not only the world of the soul of the lyrical heroine, but the images of natural being, incl. Siberian chronotope. The ways of modeling the movement of Siberia in the lyrics of T. Grimblit are analyzed: retrospective, implicit, natural philosophical. The chronotope of Siberia is recreated in a retrospective aspect and with an implicit position, which determines its positive characteristics in the text: as a native space for the heroine, performing the functions of protection and being the source of inspiration. The Siberian chronotope is comprehended by the author in the natural-philosophical aspect: as a sign of the divine presence in the earthly world. The natural-philosophical interpretation of the image of Siberia in T. Grimblit’s lyrics is supplemented by an indication of specific toponyms, as well as an appeal to universal formulas that go back to the folklore tradition. Keywords: Siberian text, chronotope, world view, spatial poetics, ambivalence, religious and philosophical lyrics, natural philosophy, Christian discourse, opposition center – periphery, folklore formulas, lyrical heroine | 777 | |||||
5698 | Features of the organization and realization of student teaching of students-musicians in the context of realization of competence models of vocational training are considered; substantive provisions of updating of its maintenance are designated in the article. The focus is brought to creation of the professional-educational environment in the higher school, making active competence qualities of the future teacher-musician. Keywords: professional music education, student teaching, motivation, experience of activity, competence of the expert | 776 | |||||
5699 | Modern period of development of education makes us search the ways of optimizing the whole system, taking into consideration actual needs of society. This article provides the analysis of teacher training in managerial activities in the education system of Great Britain.The author considers the main tasks of pedagogical departments of Universities at different stages of development during the XXth century, the peculiarities of development of educational programs and cooperation between Universities, secondary schools and pedagogical colleges. To author’s mind the research of experience of Great Britain will be useful for training of pedagogical personnel in managerial activity both in Ukraine and other countries. Keywords: pedagogical personnel, managerial activity, training, programs, advanced training | 776 | |||||
5700 | The article discusses a study conducted to identify pedagogical and psychological conditions of formation of educational identity in the professionalisation and stabilization of mental health of graduates and educators, as well as existential dialogue as a psychological test of readiness for self-development and innovation in the current situation of education. Self-monitoring in the context of the study is considered as the beginning of reflection on the existential meaning of the teaching profession. Formation of existential dialogue in the structure of the educational identity can be organized in terms of designing the educational environment by means of pedagogical training with elements Balint sessions and gestalt. Keywords: education, existential pedagogy, management, quality education, self-monitoring, reflection, pedagogical training | 776 |