DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-81-84
This article concerns the question of determining levels of language competence in foreign language teaching to students of technical specialties. The paper includes the results and analysis of testing aiming at identifying relevance to one or another knowledge level of a foreign language. The knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, understanding of foreign speech based on reading is checked with the help of placement test. The assessment of basic knowledge by means of input testing reveals the correspondence of knowledge, habits and skills of students to one or another level of knowledge of a foreign language. In its turn, the subsequent language competence in the university, which orients future specialists to self-development and intercultural communication, depends on the results of testing. The main goal of the level approach in foreign language teaching is the striving to provide conditions that allow students to make progress at the level identified by the results of placement test. The experience shows that applying this approach to students in teaching allows to develop habits and skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing at the appropriate level in order to achieve the next level of mastering a foreign language successfully. According to the results of the entrance testing, the groups are formed, i.e. students are distributed to groups (subgroups) taking into account their language knowledge by means of applying the technology of level training.
Keywords: level training, efficiency, language competence, levels of language competence, placement test
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 81 — 84
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