DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-119-127
Introduction. The article describes the basics of management of adult’s education space development under conditions of cooperation opportunities and resources of subjects of the formal and non-formal educational areas through the mechanism of formation of the educational space. The aim of the article is to analyze the ways of management of adult’s education development under conditions of the interaction of traditional educational organizations and non-formal educational communities (public associations). Research methods: analysis of literary sources, regulatory and legal documents of state, regional and municipal authorities; questioning; pedagogical included observation; analysis, comparison and synthesis of the know-how of public organizations; methods of statistical processing of the data. Results and discussion. The spheres of management are presented as a coordinated combination of traditional administrative approaches to education management, methodical and pedagogical methods of management, various forms of (self)management of public structures in multi-layer space. Indicators of the effectiveness of managing the interaction of traditional educational organizations and non-formal educational communities - public associations: a. the use of non-formal social practices of public structures as a source of the modernization, the development of formalized education. b. the formation of the willingness of the participants of the interaction to choice the educational and life ways, the severity of their value orientations, socialization. c. taking into account in the management of the specifics of the formalized educational network and the public initiatives of a certain territory. d. accounting for the design, management of the interaction network’s development the principles of openness, flexibility, integrity of space. Conclusion. The dynamics of adult’s education sphere is associated with the orientation of education on the student’s personality development, for example, through the mechanism of the educational space. It is bаsed on the network interaction of individual and group subjects, including educational organizations and public associations. In the content of the process of managing their interaction, the priorities are related to the development of pedagogical reality - the adult’s education space: supporting the conditions for the student’s creative development and their initiatives, engaging the public in the educational process, creating a legal framework, expanding and complicating relations with various sociocultural institutions, updating the content of education, etc. from the management of educational organizations and public associations to the management of cultural and educational programs processes of the research аrea.
Keywords: adult’s education space, networking, educational resources, the ways of management of adult’s education space development, non-formal education
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 119 — 127
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