For the successful achievement of the aim of formation of network learning organization of additional professional education, consisting in the increase of effectiveness of activity of organizations of additional professional education by means of continuous increase of level of key administrative competence of its workers, the administrative and pedagogical terms of realization of this process are identified and described. The used set of theoretical and empirical research methods has allowed us to develop, justify and approve the conditions contributing to the effectiveness of the establishment of network learning organization of additional professional education. For administrative conditions we include the creation and development components of infrastructure of the system of educational management formation of the organization, to create conditions for the continuous development of administrative competence of its employees, including the development of organizational, regulatory and educational software implementation of additional professional programs, the creation of situations, providing the desire of workers to educate themselves. To the pedagogical conditions we include the formation of value-semantic foundations of the continuous development of administrative competence of employees in a network of professionally-developing educational space; designing the content of corporate continuing education; identification and implementation of intensive educational technologies and the inclusion of workers in the activities of management decisions aimed at resolving professional problems.
Keywords: network learning organization of additional professional education, administrative and pedagogical conditions of formation of network learning organization
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 68 — 74
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