DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2020-6-118-125
Introduction. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the term “competency” in relation to primary or secondary school teachers, present the competencies model for the 21st century teacher identifying four crucial pedagogical competencies such as subject, methodology, psycho-pedagogical, communication and six key skills for any personality that determine his/her successful life as well. Aim and objectives. The aim of the paper is to clarify and formulate, in accordance with the related educational documents of Russian Federation, the composition of those competencies that determine the ability of school teachers to successfully solve not only familiar, but new professional tasks that confront them in connection with the acceleration of the pace of development of society. An attempt has been made to present the matrix of 21st century teacher competencies in relation to the skills of a modern person, ensuring successful future for him/her. Material and methods. The research materials provided are the Teacher Professional Standard establishing requirements needed at present for the personality type and professional competencies for school teachers and the Model of Teacher Certification based on the use of Unified Federal Assessment Materials. The detailed analysis of the above materials demonstrates that, on the one hand, they all declare the application of the competency-based approach in educational activities. On the other hand, the list of competencies identified in them differ in both quantity and definitions. Thus, in the education community there is still no unified understanding of competencies for school teachers. The research methods used are the analytical survey for analyzing pedagogical texts, guidelines and regulations in the field of education and the modeling method as the model of the 21st century teacher competencies has been developed. Results and discussion. The economic future of our planet requires the design and implementation of a new educational system already in the 21st century. Students’ learning outcomes in the latest educational standards are associated not only with the development of subject knowledge and skills, but also with the formation of their personality mastering them by universal methods of educational activity, which ensure the successful solution of individual cognitive and other tasks both in the learning process and in other practices. In this regard, today the demand for a highly qualified, creatively working, socially active and competitive teacher who is able to educate a socialized personality in a rapidly changing world has increased. Teachers working with students should have a set of certain professional competencies that meet urgent needs of modern life. Conclusion. Based on the results of educational environment research, the idea of 6 (six) key skills meeting the following needs of modern society has been configured: cooperation, communication, critical thinking, content, creativity, self-confidence. The development of these competencies just provides a competency-based approach in education.
Keywords: present-day technological challenges, modern model of education, teacher professional standard, school teacher, pedagogical competencies, competency-based approach, key skills for a modern person
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 118 — 125
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