The article describes the features and resources of museum pedagogy in the implementation of socio-educational activities. The theoretical basics of museum communications, network of educational events for spiritual and moral, civil- patriotic education of children and youth are presented. The practice of organization design and research activities using museum pedagogy based on social partnership and networking in Tomsk region is displayed. Over five years in some Tomsk schools with the support of the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University the net project “Museum of Tomsk Theological Seminary as the Medium of Spiritual and Moral Education and Formation of Communicative Culture” is realized. The results of work on the implementation of comprehensive programs of spiritual and moral, civil-patriotic education, formation of informationcommunication skills are shown.
Keywords: museum pedagogy, museum communication, social and educational work, civil-patriotic education, spiritual and moral development and education, design and research activities, the network educational event
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 32 — 35
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