The article is devoted to the analysis of the experience of the cultural project “Preservation of architectural gene pool of Siberia: Tomsk directory of platbands (Tatarskaya Sloboda)” in September-November of 2015. The article reflects the following aspects of project activities: organizational, teamwork, research, as well as testing of full-scale survey method of 223 wooden architectural objects. The results of the project were the following: creation of Internet presentations of Tatar settlement platbands as the primary database for further research, assessment of natural wood preservation, scientific publications on conservation of wooden architecture in Tomsk. However, was revealed the quantitative and species diversity of Tatar settlement platbands, their spatial distribution. Highlights the richest with unique architraves streets as a promising route area for education of patriotism and urban tourism development. The implementation of such projects is not only social and cultural sphere of socialization of youth, but also a necessary condition for their professionalisation.
Keywords: social and cultural project, heritage preservation, wooden architecture, decor, platbands, education of city patriotism
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 238 — 244
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