The problem of equality of educational opportunities, access to education for different categories of the population is one of the priorities of the Social and Political Studies, both in modern Russia and all over the world. The purpose of the research is to investigate and analyse the main factors influencing equal opportunity in education of rural and urban pupils. Rural schools are not provided enough with the support and resources they need to keep pace with today’s educational demands. Rural schools failed to respond to current developments, changes, and trends in education. The major finding of our investigation was that family played a crucial role in equalizing educational opportunities. Parents could play a compensatory role in ensuring equal education in rural schools. Society and educators tried to ignore the fact that the majority of low performing schools were in rural, economically struggling areas. Most of these schools lacked sufficient equipment and resources to accommodate every pupil effectively. But rural schools have a serious advantage over urban ones – more integral perception of pupils by teachers and less formality in teachers/ pupils communication. Another solution to this problem could be teacher development courses tailoring to the real needs of rural schools or targeted Master’s Programmes in Education.
Keywords: educational equality, rural schools, family, education, educational opportunities
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 50
Downloads: 730