The article deals with the problem of socialization and creative self-development of students in the conditions of children’s associations and movements. Attention is drawn to the fact that children’s associations and movements are an important factor of personality, on the one hand, creating the conditions to meet the needs, interests, goals, children of different ages and formation of new aspirations; On the other hand, determining the selection of the internal capacity of the individual and collective self-restraint by the choice of adjusting to social norms, values, and social programs. The factors, conditions and methods of educational activities that promote self-knowledge and create conditions for free creative self-development and socialization of students in children’s associations and movements. Children’s organizations and movements in Russia are becoming a significant factor in the positive education of the younger generation, education for democratic culture, complementing a focused educational process of the school.
Keywords: children’s pool, children’s movement, students self-development, socialization, humanization of education, educational space
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 33 — 37
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