The contemporary approaches to the definition of “professional position of a teacher” concept are considered in the present article. The author reveals its essence according to the requirements of Federal governmental educational standards of higher pedagogical education for training sector 050100 “Pedagogical education”. The author describes the model of step-by-step development of the professional position during the period of studying at higher educational establishment by defining the cognitive, creative, action and reflexive components of “professional position”. The author characterizes potential opportunities of student’s contest of pedagogical skills in future teacher’s professional position development. In the present article the author examines the process of student’s step-by-step preparation to participation in this contest, the content of contest’s nominations in accordance with structural components of future teacher’s professional position. The contest of pedagogical skills is one of the components of educational system of Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. This contest has been held at university for 15 years. Its results appear in stable professional position of young teachers – former contestants. The features of arrangement of education process in accordance with Russian education modernization are represented in this article.
Keywords: position, personal position, pedagogical position, professional position of a teacher, components of professional position, contest of pedagogical skills
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Issue: 7, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 128 — 132
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