DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-3-69-75
Introduction. The article is devoted to the consideration of the lexical and world-modeling activity of units of the lexical-semantic group «Parts of the body» - somatisms, which is reflected in the texts of Russian folk proverbs. The peculiarities of the semantics and pragmatics of somatisms, which determine the specifics of their functioning in a folklore text, make it possible to define somatic vocabulary as markers of national identity. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to study the somatisms that function in the texts of Russian folk proverbs, in the aspect of their realization of their lexical and world-modeling potential. Material and methods. As the research material, the texts of Russian folk proverbs containing somatism lexemes are used. The principle of selection of empirical material is based on a continuous sample of the most frequently encountered somatic units from texts. The research methodology consists of methods of observation, quantitative analysis, lexical and semantic analysis, with the involvement of elements of discourse and conceptual analysis. Results and discussion. Somatisms, the meaning of which is based on the meanings of anthropomorphism, play a significant role in the formation of the idea of a person in the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world. The conceptual meaning of somatisms is manifested differently in different linguocultures. In the presence of undoubted universal, constant characteristics inherent in all ethnic groups, there is a presence of interpretations due to the specificity of a particular culture. This becomes obvious when comparing the cases of the functioning of somatisms in the texts of Russian and Chinese proverbs: the named linguocultures are extremely different in cultural and linguistic terms. It was revealed that the greatest lexical and world-modeling potential, judging by the texts of proverbs, in the Russian linguistic picture of the world is possessed by the somatisms head, hand, and eyes. Each somatic lexeme has a specific conceptual meaning, an important component of which is the axiological component “value”. So, somatism, the head is interpreted as «the value of the intellect», the hand is the «value of vital activity», the eyes are the «value of personal participation.» In fewer proverbs, there are somatisms hair, legs, mouth, tongue, nose. In this list, interpretations such as legs, symbolizing the «value of mobility,» and hair, a marker of the anti-value of «external» as opposed to the value of «internal», are primarily evident. Conclusion. The study of somatisms in the aspect of considering their lexical and world-modeling activity, manifested in folklore texts (in this case, in proverbs), makes it possible to form an idea of fragments of the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of an ethnic group.
Keywords: somatisms, lexical activity, world-modeling activity, folklore texts, Russian folk proverbs, picture of the world, linguistic culture
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 69 — 75
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