Linguistic and extralinguistic features of representation of subtextual information in poetic texts of I. F. Annensky
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-6-84-102
The study of subtext information refers to important problems of modern text theory. Along with factual and conceptual information, it is important for the recipient who perceives the text to understand the subtext, which has various means of representation. The analysis of various types of subtext and the means of its explicit or indirect expression is relevant for modern linguistics, because it is connected with the problem of text interpretation. The purpose of the article is to identify the idiosyncratic specifics of the expression of subtext information in the early poems of the symbolist poet I. Annensky. The subtext in the work of the existentialist poet I. F. Annensky is insufficiently researched. Related to this is the relevance of the study of the author’s philosophical lyrics. The article used such research methods as contextual and conceptual analysis, as well as semantic-stylistic, biographical. The analysis of the poems from the first of the author’s first collection “Quiet Songs” (1904) made it possible to identify the subtext information in the author’s works and determine the means of its representation based on the theory of regularity of the communicative stylistics of the text. Some idiosyncratic features of the symbolist poet are established, reflecting the specifics of this literary direction. Various linguistic and extralinguistic regulatory means and structures have been studied as markers of subtext in I. Annensky’s poems, regulatory dominants have been identified. As the analysis showed, the linguistic means and structures include the names of the collection and poetic texts, the choice of a pseudonym by the author, the use of tropes and figures, of which the author’s individual metaphors, epithets, unusual textual syntagmatics, symbol words, the dominance of antithesis were especially significant for I. Annensky. The extralinguistic means of representing the subtext in the poet’s lyrics include the choice of genre, rhythmic-sound and frame elements of the work. Collection “Quiet songs” by I. Annensky is an excellent example of philosophical lyrics. The rich conceptual sphere of the symbolist poet includes elements of the ancient worldview and existential philosophy. The means of representation of the subtext reveal themselves in the poet’s lyrics in minimal units (italics, lexical regulatives, etc.) and large elements within the general structure of the text, actualizing concepts, chronotope, allusions.
Keywords: I. Annensky, subtext, means of representation, symbolist poet, Silver Age
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 94 — 102
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