On Some Features of M. A. Voloshin’s Color Picture of the World and the Means of its Verbalization
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-95-102
M. Voloshin’s special interest in color naming is caused both by the peculiarity of the era (Silver Age), and his passion not only for the poetic word, but also, equally, for fine art. The color picture of the world of M. Voloshin’s poems is distinguished by a variety of colors that convey shades of one color or another, and the unusualness of the created color images, in which the features of the author’s perception of the world are revealed. The article presents data on the study of the semantics and symbolic meaning of frequency colors found in the lyrical texts of M. Voloshin, data on the analysis of individual poems containing color symbolism in order to determine the meaning of color painting for understanding the poet’s worldview and the features of his creative manner. In the course of the study, methods of semantic-stylistic, contextological, and motive analysis were used, which make it possible to reveal the features of the embodiment and the meaning of M. Voloshin’s color picture of the world. The variety of color embodiment of the lyrics of M. A. Voloshin is associated with the peculiarity of the worldview of Voloshin the artist, who gave himself the attitude “to absorb all forms, all colors into oneself with the eyes”. In addition, the poet’s passion for Symbolist and Impressionist teachings influenced the multicoloredness of his poetry. Color painting, being one of the main means of expressing the author’s intentions, helps to convey the subtlest color shades and the symbolism of the feelings of the lyrical hero. The most frequent colors used by M. Voloshin: red in its many variations, gold, gray, purple – often contain metaphysical symbolism. To convey color, M. Voloshin also uses lexemes denoting plants (flowers), as well as mineralogical designations. The study of M. Voloshin’s lyrical tests for the use of color in them led to the conclusion that the color picture of the poet’s world is rich and diverse incarnations: colorful epithets, unusual metaphors, comparisons, synesthetic images, mineralogical designations – an incomplete list of the means and techniques used by the author. The significance of the conducted research lies in the reflection of the author’s worldview through the comprehension of the symbolic meanings of the image embedded in the color names.
Keywords: M. A. Voloshin, color picture of the world, color names, color painting, color image, symbolism, impressionism, Silver Age
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 95 — 102
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