Reform of Teaching Foreign Literature on the Background of the “New Concept of the Humanities” (Experience of Implementation in Modern China’s Education System)
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-76-85
The new concept of the humanities emphasizes breaking down barriers between different disciplines, creating a new system of disciplines and a knowledge system, emphasizing the development of students’ thinking abilities through the transfer of knowledge, and re-establishing the link between “teaching” and “learning”. The goal is to analyze the way of reforming the teaching of foreign literature in the context of the “new concept of the humanities”. The material of the study was the documents of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China on the construction of a “new concept of the humanities”, the relevant research papers of the CNKI of China, as well as examples of the author’s training in teaching “Foreign Literature”. The study uses the literary method of research and the empirical method of research. In this context, the teaching of foreign literature should break down barriers between courses and integrate between courses. Foreign literature in various universities in China is divided into the history of foreign literature, the reading of foreign literature and the theory of foreign literature, but we must combine these courses in teaching. During the teaching of literary history knowledge, we must make students understand the characteristics of the literary language in original literary texts, we must penetrate the literary theory in the study of works, teach students to analyze specific literary texts through literary theory and criticism method, and realize the combination of theory and practice. In teaching foreign literature, we must not only have a global vision, but also have national and family feelings, in order to spread Chinese culture in the international arena and tell Chinese stories well and establish cultural confidence in cultural differences. Russian literature especially contains a deep patriotic spirit, humanitarian spirit, deep cultural heritage and civic consciousness. Through the teaching of this course, we guide students to create patriotism, build the consciousness of citizens and develop a humanitarian spirit. As a result, we will combine knowledge, ability, and a view of value in order to improve the ideological and moral literacy of students. While teaching, we encourage students to actively participate in teaching activities and discussions. Interactive activities between teachers and students can mobilize students’ enthusiasm, stimulate their creativity, provide them with opportunities to use and demonstrate their own abilities, and help them improve their language skills. At the same time, teaching foreign literature can not only impart knowledge, but also cultivate thinking ability and stimulate students’ imagination ability. The use of auxiliary tools such as multimedia, internet, film, boutique course site, can not only expand the scope of the curriculum of literature courses and make the teaching method diversified, but also keep in touch with information technology, digital culture and the network. This teaching method can stimulate students’ enthusiasm for learning and form a virtuous learning cycle. Teachers should introduce their research results, research trends, as well as scientific methods in the classroom, constantly enrich and update teaching content, conduct flexible classes, ensure students learn the latest knowledge and cutting edge concepts, at the same time cultivate students’ interests in scientific research, improve the ability of students in research and stimulate the interests of students in research. At present, assessments of foreign literature studies at various universities in China are in writing. This assessment method does not contribute to the development of creative abilities and the improvement of students’ literary assessment and analysis abilities. Therefore, we are trying to use a combination of written tests and oral tests in the assessment of learning to comprehensively improve students’ language skills and cultural literacy. The “new concept of the humanities” is to throw off the unreasonable barriers set by disciplines, not bound by the boundaries of invisible disciplines. The “new concept of the humanities” are the inevitable result of the humanities and social sciences adapting to social development. An integral task of teaching foreign literature is to cultivate outstanding talents who can serve the needs of the country and take responsibility for national revival against the backdrop of the “new concept of the humanities”.
Keywords: new concept of the humanities, foreign literature, teaching reform
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 76 — 85
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