Constructive Overcoming the Problems of Consciousness
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-41-48
The present article is devoted to the linguistic aspect of constructive solving of consciousness problems both in the individual independent activity, and in the process of group education. The author operates with the philosophic categories of non-linearity in the system of speech, dissipation of consciousness and its “pluses” and “minuses”, from the psychological point of view. Relatively new philosophic notions of graduality and ingraduality of mind as the speech trends are analyzed. The author dwells upon the problem of virtual reality (VR). The aim of the article is to picture the obvious benefits of constructive approach to solving the problems of mind in the framework of conjoint philosophic categories of virtuality, graduality and ingraduality, non-linearity and dissipation. We use the constructive approach, based on positive thinking in solving the mind problems, particularly, in making up the speech and in memorizing. The applied method is that of psychological associations, while memorizing foreign words, with the active context submerging on the example of A. Burgess’s book “A Clockwork Orange” in English. The associations fall into the content ones and purely linguistic examples, with free associations for everybody. The key to the used methods is the mediation of practice. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that only constant efforts in memorizing and creative modification of the necessary information, the worked out skill to cope with the mind problems constructively in practice are effective both in the process of education and in everyday life. The diversity of memorizing methods through practice, the projecting of the studied material onto everyday life as a hint to action are really working approaches. The search for links of the word under investigation with reality, the necessary activity foster the motivation of memory work in the foreign language (I added 24 words out of the necessary 13). The practical value of the present paper is determined by the necessity of everyday mind efforts in solving the problems of education and the household and is substantiated by the 20-year pedagogical experience of the author, practicing mnemotechnology in the framework of philosophic notions in the modern science.
Keywords: dissipation of mind, virtual reality, non-linearity of speech, gradual and ingradual mind
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 41 — 48
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