Cognitive Modelling of Term System “Open Architectural Space Design”
DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2023-1-19-31
At this stage of the terminology development, terminologists are particularly interested in studying the terminology of special fields of knowledge using a cognitive approach. The use of frame analysis in terms of this approach makes it possible to present the terminology model of any professional field most successfully. The purpose of the paper is to build a cognitive-frame model of the Russian term system of the field “Open architectural space design” as a fragment of the architectural and design terminology of the professional sphere “Design of architectural environment”. The material for the analysis is more than 680 lexical units of the field “Open architectural space design”, selected using a continuous sampling method from texts of educational, scientific and Internet sources of the specialty “Design of the architectural environment”, architectural design and linguistic dictionaries and reference books. The research methodology is based on general scientific and linguistic methods and techniques: descriptive, comparative methods, methods of classification and linguistic modeling, as well as definitional, contextual and frame analysis. The basic concepts within the framework of the cognitive approach are defined. The interpretation of the terms frame, subframe, slot is presented. The theoretical foundations of frame modeling are highlighted, the frame structure used in the study is justified. A hierarchical cognitive-frame model of the term system “Open architectural space design” is constructed, consisting of three frames: “Urban environment design”, “Landscape design”, “Lighting design”. Within each frame, units of lower levels such as subframes, slots and micro-slots are allocated. Interframe processes have been studied: the relations of intersection within the macroframe “Open architectural space design”, including between units of different levels, as well as the relations of intersection with the macroframe “Interior Design” are revealed. The special role of the frame “Lighting Design” is defined, consisting of general terminology for the macroframes “Open architectural space design” and “Interior design” and specific terms for each of them. The frame model of the term system “Open architectural space design” makes it possible to present a hierarchically organized system of the terminology and identify its intra-system relationships. The results of the research can be useful for terminologists, specialists in the field of architectural environment design, for teaching practice in universities.
Keywords: design of architectural environment, Open architectural space design, architectural and design terminology, the Russian language, frame, cognitive-frame modeling
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 19 — 31
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