DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2021-2-60-70
Introduction. Communication skills are recognized as one of the most important elements in the education of a modern engineer. Engineering education programs should include modules aimed at developing interdisciplinary and cross-cultural communication skills. The specificity of professional engineering communication is determined by the professional competencies of a new generation technical university graduate. Aim and objectives are to describe and analyze the methodology of forming the communicative competencies in the field of professional activity for master students with engineering training. Material and methods. Theoretical methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and generalization of research by foreign and domestic authors are used. The experience of Western countries about the program accreditation in the field of engineering and technology is considered. Results and discussion. The paper analyzes and suggests the conceptual ideas of engineering education implemented by the method of integrated project training, which contribute to the improvement of specialist professional training. The structural and functional model of the module “Current issues in biomedical engineering” is implemented in the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Institute of Physics and Technology for the educational master program 12.04.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies. The program allows one to ensure a gradual development of communicative competence of master students during the study of special professional disciplines. The model represents the unity of the goal, content, organizational and evaluation blocks and reflects the organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process, as well as the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the model. The practical implementation of the model is described with the indication of disciplines and communication skills. Conclusion. The study revealed the importance of improving the quality of training engineering and technical personnel in terms of forming communicative competence as a component of general cultural competence. These knowledge, skills and abilities affect the motivational-value, cognitive-activity, emotional-volitional and reflexiveevaluative components of the business professional communicative competence of future engineers, provide readiness for professional activity and allow forming engineering thinking of a new formation. Such innovations in the education system are an integral part of the implementing the task for Russian technical universities to become world-class educational organizations.
Keywords: communication competence, communication skills, engineering education, professionalism, project training
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 60 — 70
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