DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-72-77
Introduction. The concept “student” is common to different linguistic cultures of a civilized society and relates to the academic sphere of human activity. This work is devoted to the study of actualized and hidden features – structurally-meaningful components – of the concept “student”. Material and methods. The object of the study is the fragments of Russian National Corpus (RNC). In this paper, we study minimal contexts, usually equal to the sentence and detailed contexts, usually coinciding with the paragraph, as well as the headings of texts reflecting 1900–1917. The relevance of this work is determined by the social significance of the student’s figure in developed human communities and the lack of knowledge on RNC material of the concept related to it. The study examines the most typical uses of the word in multi-style (literary and non-literary) and multi-genre texts of RNC. The methods of the descriptive method (observation, classification, interpretation, generalization, arithmetic calculations) and the methods of linguo-conceptual analysis (contextual and semantic analysis, the analysis of the concept name, correlation of the concept name with historical and cultural data, modeling the structure of the concept, corpus linguistics techniques) are used in the work. Results and discussion. The categorical (qualitative, event-time, spatial) and non-categorical (biological, anthropomorphic) signs of the name of concept “student” are revealed. The taxonomic and nuclear-peripheral models of the studied concept are proposed. During the construction of the first model, the connection between concept “student” and super-concepts “human”, “education/to study” (“to learn”), “higher educational institution is determined”. In the nuclear-peripheral model of this concept, being characterized for the beginning of the last century, the main complex (compound) semes are ‘young man’, ‘studying for a certain time at a university or institute’, ‘engaged mainly in educational activities to obtain one or another profession’. The socio-political and individual characteristics are presumably found in the interpretational field of the considered concept. It was also established that there is no connotation in the lexical semantics of the name of concept “student”. All self-evaluative features of this word are contextually determined. Conclusion. This work is intended for researchers in the field of lexical semantics, linguo-culturology and for students of linguistic conceptual analysis techniques.
Keywords: concept name “student”, its semantic attributes, contexts of Russian National Corpus
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 72 — 77
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