DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-14-20
Introduction. The research deals with the question of educational interaction of children with various educational needs while a foreign language learning. Aim and objectives. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of the interaction of children with various educational needs. Material and research methods. The author characterizes each group of children with various educational needs: standard learners, children with disabilities, gifted schoolers, non-native speaker learners. The research shows that children of any category encounter with difficulties within educational process. The author gives analyses of different educational situations of interaction and cooperation of schoolers of various needs. Therefore, on English lesson children are divided into several groups. A group may consist of only standard learners or of a standard learner and a child with disabilities or any other schooler of other category. The teacher monitors peculiarities of any sort of interaction, pays attention to each detail. Results and discussion. Analyzing all the educational situations and different ways of cooperation and co-work of children with various needs, taking into consideration the difficulties schoolers may come across with, the author defines three categories of children interaction: effective (when all the interlocuters are emotionally involved in the process of communication, when a given task is fulfilled), neutral (when a given task is fulfilled, although emotional contact is not established), undesirable (when one or both participants do not interact, do not communicate at all; a given task is not fulfilled). Conclusion. The research defines the peculiarities of the interaction of children with various educational needs. The comprehension of the peculiarities encourages teachers to organize the educational process in the way all the learners are able to cooperate with each other and get higher educational results. The described in the article may be useful and helpful for foreign language teachers and teachers who work with children with various educational needs.
Keywords: educational communication, primary learners, foreign language learning, educational needs, learners with disabilities, non-native speaker learner, gifted
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 14 — 20
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