DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-158-167
Introduction. The authors consider the theoretical foundations of word formation in the modern English language. The study of word-formation methods productivity has revealed the secondary importance of such new lexical units forming methods as alternation, doubling, onomatopoeia and rhyming repetition. Affixation, composition, conversion, reduction, as well as ablaut play the leading part. The affixes types and characteristic features, various parts of speech word-building potential are emphasized. The authors analyze formants derivational activity, thus outlining the most productive English suffixes and prefixes. They note the origin of productive and unproductive affixes in the modern English language. The features of word addition, its direct relationship with morphology and syntax, the role of word composition in the process of further word formation are considered. The authors point out the difference between phrases and substantiated units, especially the spelling and inflection of the latter. They investigate the causes and characteristic features of the abbreviation and conversion, as well as various kinds and types of abbreviations. The necessity of basic methods of word production teaching to schoolchildren has been identified and justified. Aims and objectives. The aim of the paper is to identify and substantiate schoolchildren need in being taught the grounds and actual derivation and word production methods and describe their practical application at ELT lessons. Material and methods. The research methodology includes: 1) the analysis of theorists’ work on word formation and methods of foreign languages teaching; 2) authors’ experimental exploration of the development of the various teaching methods of word formation and gaming technology use effectiveness in the middle and high school students’ educational process. The researchers substantiate the expediency of their use for the schoolchildren skills acquisition and automation for a successful final certification in the discipline “English language”; 3) planning a series of lessons aimed at preparing for the OSE and USE; 4) practical application of methods and ways of teaching word formation in foreign language in middle and high schools classes; 5) comparing the students performance in standard exam tasks accomplishing before and after conducting experimental activities. Results. The described methods practical application outlined their efficiency at the lessons: the pupils’ word formation skills improved by 20 %. The experiment results support the interdependence between the IT use in the classroom, the pupils age and the word formation models assimilation as well as the positive influence of new technology use in the classroom. Conclusion. The study leads to conclusions about the analytical nature of English word formation, identifying the most productive ways of new lexical units formation, the usefulness of systematic work with word derivation, the growth of students’ motivation; the appropriateness of using gaming, design, information and communication technologies in the classroom.
Keywords: word formation, productivity, affixation, composition, conversion, abbreviation, verbalization, substantivization, reduction, grammaticalization, motivation, final certification
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 158 — 167
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