DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-115-129
Introduction. The oxymoron in the title of the paper expresses the evidence of the trichotomy proposed in the work and its obscurity to a wide range of poststructuralists who in one way or another touch upon questions of glottogenesis. The dominance in the world linguistics of the intracorporal vectors of language search from the middle of the past century led only to the mystification of this field of knowledge. However, the turn of research at the change of millennia towards extralinguistics is capable of dispelling the myth rooted in a wide audience about the intracorporal (cognitive, psychological, mental, etc.) origin of the language and leading the extralinguistic determinism of glottogony and language evolution processes to the first positions in linguistics. Nevertheless, contrary to the repeatedly verified data of interdisciplinary research, at present, one can still observe the confrontation of the sophistic tradition of idealism, defending the idea of intracorporal origin of the language, and the completely forgotten in linguistic circles theory of socially determined genesis of language, that had solitary status still in the middle of the last century. Post-structuralism, which has thoroughly entered into a “cognitive dead end”, has condemned itself to deserved criticism, to which a fair amount of this work is devoted. The aim of the paper is to propose a new trichotomy of structural systemic linguistics “language system – grammar – speech”. Material and methods. Structural-systemic and semiotic approaches form the epistemological framework of the study, during which the methods of logic (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.) were used, as well as the general scientific method of triangulation, that allows to single out a common third for two objects of observation. Results and discussion. The proposed trichotomy of the structural-system linguistics “language system – grammar – speech”, where grammar is understood as a set of rules, and speech – as a result of combinations of system elements, deepens understanding of the functioning of sign communication systems in the language community, as well as co-evolution of language and society. The language is designed so that the minimum of speech combinatorics can contribute to the assimilation of the rule, and the learned rule, in turn, is the key to mastering the maximum of the system itself. The rule, as an additional third and transitional link between the system and the function, acts simultaneously as an extra-linguistic binding of the virtual system of signs, invisible to a person, and the speaker. The sign nature of a language is understood through the semiotic conditionality of glottogony, in which logic plays a leading role not in the Aristotelian sense, but as a system of principles, laws, and operations for performing a certain activity — in this case, communicative. The participation of logic in the processes of speech-generation refutes the existing ideas about grammar as part of a language construct and prompts to consider it an additional third (instruction) in relation to the language system and individual speech repertoires. Conclusion. Glottogony is not a cognitive, but a logical-semiotic process. The sign, which lies at the base of all three elements of trichotomy, precedes both the processes of understanding (awareness) and the production of speech. In addi tion, through the sign and logical (non-mental or speculative) rule of its use, the speaking population becomes itself: the sign and rule unites users of the language, realizing its main function in the environment – the integrative one.
Keywords: trichotomy, glottogony, semiotics, logic, grammar, system, function
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 115 — 129
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