DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-7-16
Introduction. The article deals with a question of the discursive status of forensic medical examination texts, the existence of a separate sub-discourse of the forensic medical examination, which is at the intersection of medical and legal discourses, and its place in the typology of institutional discourses. The need to distinguish the discourse of forensic medical examination as a separate subtype of discourse, the description of its model and the study of it as a multidiscourse phenomenon is due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the two institutional discourses with a high level of formalization and ritualization. The aim of the article is to determine the status of the forensic medical examination (SME) as an area of social, professional and textual activity, its place in the typology of institutional discourses. Material and methods. The model of describing the institutional discourse of V. I. Karasik was chosen as the main methodological dominant. This is due to the fact that the studied area belongs to the sphere of institutional interaction, and the fact that this model allows one to identify own discursive parameters at the stage of initial analysis. This theory of discourse analysis makes it possible to define categories such as “participants of communication”, “conditions of communication”, “organization” and “methods of communication”. The material for the study was the full texts of 10 opinions of forensic doctors with a total volume of more than 100 pages, taken at a professional forum of forensic doctors of Russia in the section “Consultation Center”. Results and discussion. Communicators in the field of forensic medicine have a different status than participants in medical or legal discourse. The main type of communication is the type “doctor-forensic scientist – the examined”. Communication places are medical and legal organizations, as well as scientific organizations and events. The goals of the forensic doctor as a participant in the communication “forensic doctor – the examined” go back to legal discourse, while the strategy used is medical. The nuclear genre of discourse is the opinion of the medical examiner, which applies to both legal and medical discourse, and also contains a large number of discursive formulas, stable and specific. Conclusion. The main parameters of communications in the field of forensic examination correspond to the models proposed by V.I. Karasik, however, is not reduced to either legal or medical discourse. Based on the results of this study, a forensic medical examination may qualify for the status of a specific interdiscourse area.
Keywords: discursive status, medical discourse, legal discourse, forensic-medical examination
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 7 — 16
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