DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-122-131
Inroduction. The Anthropology of Dostoevsky is a complex polyaspect subject, the study of which is possible with the use of cross-disciplinary approach of various branches of humanitarian knowledge: literary criticism, linguistics, philosophy, theology, psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology. The aim of this work is to analyze the current trends of development of modern science about Dostoevsky and systematization of the international experience of studying of his creative anthropology. Material and methods. The research material is the speeches, theses and summaries of reports of participants of the international symposium “Anthropology of Dostoevsky. Man as a problem and a subject of reflection in Dostoevsky’s world”. The research methods are analytical and descriptive, expert estimation, expert analysis. Results and discussion. Expert opinions of scientists from 16 countries of the world who presented their reports at the international symposium, allowed to consider three leading problematic and thematic directions systemically: the anthropology of Dostoevsky in the light of philosophical anthropology and the European culture of the XX century; a problem of the person in the novel The Idiot. In connection with 150-year anniversary of the novel The Idiot the special attention was devoted to discussion of features of its screen version within a round table “The Idiot of Dostoevsky and The Idiot of A. Kurosawa”. Conclusion. The value of the reports presented within the problematic and thematic directions of a symposium consisted in the researchers’ ability to keep the unique spirit of creativity of Dostoyevsky, his deep understanding of the person presented in various forms of literary writing, philosophical ideas and truly psychological interpretations.
Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, anthropology, man, personality, values, spirituality, freedom, eschatology, historiosophy, existential consciousness, religion, Orthodoxy, people, Bulgarian Dostoevsky society, A. Kurosawa
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 122 — 131
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