DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-97-104
The article deals with the problem of updating the traditional approach to image analysis in the literature lesson through the use of modern research in the field of philosophy and psychology. The reader’s practice is proposed, where a semiotic approach is implemented, which allows to identify the transformation of the reference image in the text of a writer of the second half of the twentieth century due to the “reverse translation” (A. Mikhailov), that is, the comparison of the reference image with the antique and classical interpretation. The main mechanism connecting the reference image with the archetype is the figurative transfer. The very phenomenon of transference presupposes the existence of a previous and subsequent situation, as well as the establishment of a relationship between them. This practice allows students not only to master the specifics of the figurative system of a particular work, but also to identify the author’s worldview that affects the poetics of the text. The development of the poetics of V. Petsuh’s “Prometheuschina” story takes place with the help of a consistent and multi-aspect reading (L. V. Shamrey), which displays different elements of the architectonics of the work, which allows the young reader to build a system of connections between the individual parts of the artistic whole. The inductive method of understanding the meaning focuses the attention of students on the non-linear type connections (repetitions, parallelisms) that arise when analyzing the central image of a story. With such an analysis, it becomes possible to identify semantic overlaps in various parts of the text and meaningful “nodes” that are significant for the interpretation of the work. Appeal to the historical and literary context (N. V. Gogol “Inspector”) makes students pay attention to the national peculiarity of the Russian mentality and adequately interpret the meaning of the actions of a literary hero, his attitude to people and to life. The final “convolution” of information about the text of V. Petsuh occurs in the interpretational activity of schoolchildren compared to the new image (N. V. Maslova) with other interpretations in modern art, which contributes to fixing the ideological changes that have occurred in the minds of a whole generation. Readership practice, combining the relationship of the figurative and logical in presentation of the material and technological effectiveness of the educational process, provides students with a certain degree of freedom of philosophizing in the classroom, and the teacher is guaranteed simplicity and effectiveness of use.
Keywords: reading, artistic detail, figurative transformation, typification, symbolization, philosophicity
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 97 — 104
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