DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-87-96
Introduction. The revival of religious drama in the modern Russian children and youth literature, that began in the 2000–2010s, is being investigated. The specific genre features of the hagiological plays, which were peculiar to school drama in Russia of the17–18th centuries, are being examined. Material and methods. Hagiological plays for children and youth God is Wonderful in His Saints and White Angel of Moscow, written by R. V. Koshurnikova are used as material for the research. Comparative-historical and comparative-typological methods are used for the study of artwork. Results and discussion. In the 17th century, in the period of the emergence and functioning of such a variety of clerical genres as drama about the saints, the formation of its steady dramatic and epic structure took place. The specifics of hagiographic plots, their narrative, associated with historical and biographical content, including a wide range of chronologically developing events of the saint’s life from birth to death, which are often presented against the background of important historical events of the described epoch, led to the strong association of hagiographic plots with epic genres – hagiography. The hagiographic plot, taken from living narratives, retained its epic genre-forming potential and, when it was falling into a different genre system of drama it washed away the dramatic nature of the plays. In the modern dramas about the saints the genre memory of hagiographic drama formed in the 17th century is preserved. Conclusion. Hagiological plays of the modern children’s writer R. V. Koshurnikova reveal the same specific genre features as in the period of formation and functioning of religious drama in Russian literature of the 17th century. The increase in the volume and role of extra-textual elements (remarks), fragments of an extensive narrative text, designed as monologues of characters expands the epic layer in the dramatic text and leads to the diffusion of the genre nature in the plays of the Siberian writer.
Keywords: hagiographic play, genre, chapter, lives of saints for children, R. V. Koshurnikova, school drama
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 87 — 96
Downloads: 661