DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-71-76
Introduction. This study is an attempt to investigate and analyze the main subjects and patterns of E. Chizhov’s novel Translation from a Metafraze. E. Chizhov created the exotic eastern country of Koshtyrbastan, a fascinating story imperceptibly absorbing the reader, attracting with an interesting narration, succinct descriptions of events and characters. The image of the poet – the prophet, the theme of translation and the image of the translator create the plot outline of the novel. The literary-centric meanings of the Translation from a Metafraze, however, are not limited to questions about the role of the poet and poetry, the relationship between poetry and power. The aim of the paper. The article analyzes one of the tendencies in modern literary process – metafiction on the side. Self-conscious prose, focusing on literary work, the figure of the author and hero, raises questions of literature and art. The metafiction phenomenon (the ratio of the author and the text, the author and the reader, the reader and the text) and its various manifestations, through metadescription, expand the text and focus on the role of the book, reading, and writer in society, becoming a mirror reflecting the current literary process. Material and methods. In the course of the work, we draw the conclusions on the complexity of the aesthetic concept of the novel and its connection with other texts of Russian literature. The analysis of plot-forming motifs reveals their commonality with T. Tolstoy’s novel Kys. Results and discussion. The article finds that the nature of the connection between these two works consists not only in the motive-thematic interchange, but also is expressed in a rather obvious connection at the constructive-figurative level, within the framework of the problematics of logocentrism and literature-centrism as well. T. Tolstaya and E. Chizhov in their novels in different years and in different ways raise the question of the role of books and reading in a person’s life and society. Conclusion. Finally, the paper unveils the complex metafictional construction of the novel, which includes references to real literary events, the interchange with other novels, and poems – ciphers, supplementing the text in prose.
Keywords: modern literature, E. Chizhov, poet, poetry, translation, metafiction, authorship, mystification
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 71 — 76
Downloads: 659