DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-6-7-19
The article reveals the multifaceted activity of I. S. Turgenev as a Russian European, which is considered from different positions: biographical, social, political, philosophical, cultural. The Aim of the paper is to interpret the Genesis of the concept of “Russian European” and its existence in Russian culture; to study the role of the writer in the Russian-European cultural transfer with the involvement of his biography, social, translation activities and artistic creativity. Material and methods. The research methodology was carried out through the use of an integrated approach to the analysis of socio-cultural phenomena and was provided by a system of methods: biographical, historical and literary, historical and functional, cultural,historical and comparative typological. Results and discussion. A systematic approach to the consideration of the stated problem allowed us to study it in synchrony and diachrony, using the principles of dialogicality, discursivity and contextuality. The article presents Turgenev’s long way from the Westerner to the Russian European. His first attempt to make inroads into European society was not quite successful and brought him disappointment. On the contrary, his translation work was successful in order to promote Russian literature in France. And only after the publication of The Hunting Sketches and the novel Rudin in French and German Turgenev becomes famous in the West. The writer’s participation in the dinners of “booed playwrights” was an acknowledgment of his “Russianness” and “Europeanism” at the same time: he organically joined the circle of the French literary elite, while maintaining his special position due to the Russian mentality. Gradually Turgenev becomes more and more close, “his” both for Flaubert and for the generation of “children” (E. Zolà, A. Daudet, G. de Maupassant), who saw him as a friend, literary mentor, even a teacher. The final part of the study presents an analysis of Turgenev’s literary works in connection with the consideration of the typology of characters, correlated with the concept of “Westerners” and “Russian European” (the story Asya, the novel Rudin, On the Eve, Smoke). Results and discussion. The material of the article can be used in the activities of scientists (philologists and culturologists), teachers and school teachers to expand the understanding of the Russian writer and his contribution to the interaction of interpenetration and mutual enrichment of the two cultures – Russia and Europe. Conclusion. Turgenev is a classic Russian European: he combines all his activities and works of two cultures, seeks to include Russia in the European family, and on the other hand, contributes to the familiarization of Europe with the achievements of national culture.
Keywords: I. S. Turgenev, Westerner, Russian European, intercultural transfer, translation and social activities, French writers, art, types of Russian Europeans
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Issue: 6, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 7 — 19
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