DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-194-199
The relevance of the article is determined by the need to develop environmental education and coordinate its various directions through creating the regional systems of continuous environmental education. Nowadays, despite a large number of works of such authors as A. N. Zakhlebny, E. N. Dzyatkovskaya, S. V. Alekseev, N. M. Mamedov and others devoted to the subject under study, an integral system of continuous environmental education has not yet been developed. The aim of our work is to specify this problem within the framework of environmental and chemical education and to single out its goals and objectives for various educational levels (school – institutions of additional education – technical college – advanced training courses). Certain elements of the continuous regional system of environmental and chemical education were first realized in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In particular, the ecological character of the school course of Chemistry within the regional component of education was obtained, the continuity of the Bachelor and Master degree programs in the technical university was achieved, the students’ project activities on various levels of environmental and chemical education were effectively integrated. It is shown that the interaction of higher educational institutions, schools and institutions of additional education for children, all in all make the objective results of schoolchildren better and contribute to their early professional orientation. The directions of the activities for school teachers’ refresher courses in the sphere of ecological and chemical education were determined; the functions of the scientific and educational ecological center that coordinates the environmental education in the Republic of Bashkortostan, were defined.
Keywords: ecological and chemical education, regional system of continuous ecological and chemical education, problems of ecological and chemical education on different levels, ecological orientation of the school course of Chemistry, continuity of the programs of
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 194 — 199
Downloads: 835