DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-87-94
One of the priority directions of the European Commission and the Council of Europe activity is considered: the policy on establishing the supra-national European identity of young people and development of the “European citizenship” concept. The available information on the problem in Russian social and humanitarian scientific discourse is defined; methodological grounds and a source base are described. The basic conceptual framework of the European Commission youth policy is revealed. The involvement of Germany into the formation processes, institutional structures and mechanisms of youth policy implementation in EU is demonstrated. The processes of establishing European self-consciousness of German youth are considered compared with the similar processes at the level of the European Union on the whole and the separate states-members of the EU. The key subjects for analysis are “European citizenship (citizenship of the European Union) and European identity”, “European Union and its perception”, “the future of the united Europe and perspectives of the young people”. Based on the statistical reports of “Eurobarometer” – public opinion research service of the European Union (2016–2017) the degree of establishing the European identity of German young people is analyzed and its substantive aspects are described. The correlation of various levels of identity of German youth is described: national and supra-national, European; as well as the affiliation to the European Union (the citizenship of EU), peculiarities of presenting European identity (studying the meanings and interpretations of the concept of general Europe), and the assessment of the future of united Europe by German and European youth is shown. The youth policy of the European Union and Germany on the establishing the supranational European identity is defined as effective. The conclusion on the high level of European civil consciousness and European identity of German youth is made (Germany takes the second place in the European Union after Ireland regarding the mentioned indicators); prevalence of positive perception of the European Union among the young people of Germany and relative trust to its institutes; and confidence of the young generation of Germany in perspectives of their staying and their country being in European Union.
Keywords: European Union, European Commission, European citizenship, European identity, youth policy, European youth, Germany
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 87 — 94
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