DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-169-172
The article poses the problem of reading place determining as a speech activity type in the original texts translating process from a foreign language to the native. Requirements΄ increasing to the translation skills mastering level by students of linguistic specialties determines the need for relevant knowledge actualization. This applies to both the translation general theory and certain specialized issues. The theoretical significance of the research is that the work presents a new approach to reading role understanding in translation activities. The read text-original meaning understanding mechanisms and the secondary text content formation by foreign language means from the translation process positions are presented. The foreign-language texts comprehension process occurs in a linguistic framework through the thematic words, conditional endo-lexis, asymmetry, emotional-evaluative components selection. Also, when reading, it is proposed to use strategies such as implicit information decoding, text information explicating, lexical and syntactic selection, forecasting. The proper implementation of these strategies further influences the harmonization of the original text meanings and the translation. From the properly organized foreign-language text reading process depends on the strategy choice for text translating, whether it is a translation note, paraphrase, interpolation. The research results can be used to develop understanding effectiveness increasing methods in written texts translating and translation theory courses.
Keywords: reading, translation activities, reading mechanisms
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 169 — 172
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