DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-65-69
The article discusses pragmalinguistic peculiarities of interrogatives. These characteristics are analyzed at comparing interrogatives to other speech acts. Interrogatives as speech acts have an illocutionary force and a perlocutionary effect similar to those of directive speech acts. The illocutionary force of interrogatives is connected with communicative manipulation when asking for or checking information by referring to another person. The perlocutionary effect of interrogatives is either this person agrees or does not agree to share information. Directive speech acts are also connected with communicative manipulation and the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts is either the other person agrees or does not agree to fulfill the action. However, interrogatives differ from other speech acts (directive speech acts including) by their locutionary and propositional characteristics. Interrogatives are constructed in a special way and do not contain reference to the answer. At least these locutionary and propositional characteristics of interrogatives makes it possible to consider interrogatives as a separate group of speech acts. Analysis of interrogative speech acts in contemporary American films show that 70 % of interrogatives are used as direct speech acts, i.e. to ask for information or to check information. One fourth of interrogatives contains second illocutions, in most cases these are reproach, indignation and pleading. Interrogatives as indirect speech acts are used in 20 % of utterances mainly to express suggestions. Rhetorical (false) questions are used only in 10 % of interrogative utterances.
Keywords: pragmalinguistics, speech acts, interrogatives, American English
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 65 — 69
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