DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-41-45
The article is devoted to the development of the concept of lexical regulative universal (LRU), which is in line with the communicative stylistics of the text, namely the theory of regulativity, taking into account the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics – actively developing scientific direction. Under «universals» are understood not only universal laws and principles of structuring the text, but also «universal thinking». Lexical regulatory universal is considered in comparison with other notions of communicative stylistics: communicative universals, media communicative universals, cognitive style. Under the lexical regulatory universal is understood a verbal embodiment of the way of the author’s thinking and the way of his interactions with the addressee, in characteristic for the author means and methods of lexical regulativity. One of the key features of LRU is the choice of the author of the means and methods of regulativity from the point of view of manifestation of cognitive mechanisms that are universal for a specific poetic language personality, «standing» behind the text. Regulatory lexical universals reflect ways of knowing and interaction of the author with the surrounding world. Regulatory lexical universals can partly be changed / maintained over the entire work of the author, that allows to speak not only about the dynamics of his conceptual and poetic pictures of the world, but also about the development of his thinking.
Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, regularity, universals, communicative universals, lexical regulatory universals (LRU), cognitive style, type of nomination
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 41 — 45
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