DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-17-25
The article describes a discursive Internet space, reveals communicative, structural, cognitive features of the sites of three sports schools for children and youth. The study draws attention to the leading strategies and tactics of information transmission, means of influence on the addressee, orientation to different age groups. The authors found the following: sites are polytext polycode spaces; their contents represent sport schools as stages in training, sports development of the child, gradual moving to sports teams; the communicative organization of sites is complex, combines the following strategies - information, self-presentation, maintaining contacts with parents, children, coaches, teamworkers; influence through conviction, creation of motivation for sports and training in a particular school, emotion; cognitive compositions of sites do not coincide; the level of institutionality is different. The axiological component of sites includes only the implementation of positive assessment. Cognitive composition of sites is not the same. The concepts of “success”, “sport”, “hockey”, “team”, “friendship”, “opportunities”, “man” are updated in the space of the first site. The cognitive composition of the second site includes the actualized concepts of “achievement”, “pride”, “chosenness”, “modernity”, “uniqueness”, “top”. The concept “team-family” is common for both sites. The type of content, the structure of the interface, the way of communication, the official-business nature of speech interaction, refer the third site to institutional discourse. The concepts of “efficiency”, “professional activity”, “leisure”, “development”, “age requirements” are updated in its content, informational strategies prevail over advertising and influencing. Texts of official-business speech genres are present only in its content.
Keywords: discourse, discourse analysis, site, site content, polycode text, polymodal text, concept, communicative strategies
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 17 — 25
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