DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-137-143
The aim of the work is to examine the process of formation of new system of fire-prevention actions which began to emerge in the Altai province after final establishment of the Soviet government. The article is prepared on the basis of a wide range of archival materials, materials, many of which are introduced for scientific use for the first time. As a result of the work the author has come to the following conclusions. The fight against forest fires included a range of prevention measures, prevention and liquidation of fire in the forest and punishment for persons guilty of arsons. The new government was interested in the preservation of forests from fires, so forestry specialists and local authorities were tasked to create effective system of struggle against forest fires in short terms. Questions of forest preservation from the fires were regulated by local regulations which were based on provisions of the decree “About the woods” 1918. The forest was nationalized, every citizen had the right to use forest products, but on the condition of personal participation in the protection of forests. The implementation of fire prevention measures was entrusted to the local population. However, this practice has not justified itself, so it was decided to return to the standard scheme, in which the main role in the protection of forests from fires played professional forest guards.
Keywords: forest preservation, forestry, Altai province, forest fire, prevention of forest fire, forest arson
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 137 — 143
Downloads: 781