DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-113-120
The article deals with language representation of media communicative universal – the law of pragmatically conditioned combination of stereotype and creativity in media interpretation of a newsbreak. Media communicative universal is considered as a communicative law and the principles of textual organization which realize it and reflect informational reason as an element of media communication, and which corresponds to criteria of frequency and repetition. The article points to means and ways of language representation of communicative principles, which realize this law for effective communication: principle of empathy and a model in media actualization of informational reason and principle of simultaneous stimulation of typical and unique associations in the process of media communication on the base of different means and ways of regulativity usage. Usage of complex methods including discursive, semantic-stylistic and comparative analysis allowed to reveal the specificity of actualization of pragmatically conditioned combination of stereotype and creativity in discursive practice of famous informational and media language personalities, who take part in the program “Unedited” on the radio station site “Echo of Moscow” in November 2016 (lawyer, writer, journalist and politician). The findings represent the interest for the theory of speech communication, media linguistics and communicative stylistics of the text.
Keywords: media communicative universal, media discourse, media text, informational and media language personality, stereotype, creative work
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 113 — 120
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