DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-107-112
The article deals with family image as a key notion of the Russian and Tajik culture on the material of advertising texts. Ontological (health, safety, physical comfort of family members), evaluating (joy, happiness, wishes on the one hand and dissatisfaction because of pernicious habit and absence of psychological comfort on the other hand) and social (full/not full family with children/without children/with adopted children) signs of the family notion are revealed in contrasted languages. The results of associative experiment and questionnaire defined the peculiarities of Russian informants’ family perception, which is rather traditional and based on the values of love and children. The Tajik linguistic culture is connected with parents respect, children care, family’s support and co-operative life with parents. The main members of Tajik family are parents on conditions that they live together with their son’s family. Children have to do as elder family members tell them and do the same they ask. A head of a family is unconditionally a man. According to questionnaire with Russian and Tajik informants it was defined that family image which is used in advertising influence the product’s choice mainly by Tajik customers (75 % as against 20 % of Russian customers). Tajik advertisement is aimed at informing people about such kinds of product as food, furniture, jewelry, service of wedding salon whereas Russian advertising informs the customers about food, medicine, clothes and footwear, beauty salons, washing materials. The most part of Tajik advertising refers to social advertisement. The Russian linguistic culture of family is based on health care, physical and material wellbeing, conditions of life, and family image in Tajik linguistic culture is connected with care for life conditions and attention to wife’s wishes, and with up-to-date social problems in Tajikistan.
Keywords: advertising text, Russian linguistic culture, Tajik linguistic culture, comparative analysis, family image
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 107 — 112
Downloads: 983