DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-94-100
The article is devoted to the formation of new words in the Russian language of the eastern emigration of the 20–40s of the XX century. The object of analysis is the new words which appeared in the Russian language of the Eastern abroad as a result of word-formation. First of all different morphological means of word-formation, variety of suffixal and affixal methods and compressive word-formation are under examination more often. Word-formation models and their activity in the Russian language of Eastern abroad are investigated on the material of the Harbin journal “Rubezh” which has been published in Harbin since 1926 till 1945 years, memorial sources by I. Dyakov, E. Taskina, E. Shirinskaya and others, and works of art of Russian Eastern countries. Conditions for the functioning of the Russian language in Harbin of the first half of the twentieth century are seen as unique, contributing not only to preservation but also to the full functioning of the Russian language in Manchuria. The article analyzes 45 new lexical items created in the language of the eastern countries: Nouns (77.8 per cent of appellation of total new words), Pronouns (17.8 per cent), Verbs (it is only one word in our work), Adverbs (it is only one word in our work too).
Keywords: Russian language of Eastern abroad, Harbin, word formation, word-formative model, affixation
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 94 — 100
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