DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-88-93
This paper presents a study of the toponyms of the Crimea as an object of non-material heritage forming the historical and linguistic space of the peninsula, complements the existing information on the classification of toponyms with new data. Modern toponymics is characterized by the intensive growth of those subject areas and research directions that have an interdisciplinary character. Toponymic research integrating linguistics, geography, history, sociology, cartography, etc. should be referred to such interdisciplinary directions of the onymic science. The aim of the research is finding peculiarities of morphological and non-morphological ways of word formation in the toponymy of the Russian Federation on the example of the Republic of Crimea. In this regard, there has been presented a classification of the toponymic lexis according to the structural level allowing for a detailed analysis of the collected toponymic factual material. Derivational analysis of the Crimean toponymic units is performed. Structural types of toponyms are examined, statistic data on the ways of formation and the frequency of use of different word-formation patterns is provided. As illustrative material, the author offers existing geographical names of the Crimea. In the result of the structural analysis the identified toponymic objects of the Crimean region have been systemized according to the specified criteria, monobasic, compound, and complex toponyms being singled out, the quantitative composition of the groups of geographical nominations has been provided, as well as the explanation of the obtained results.
Keywords: toponym, toponymic unit, word formation, derivational pattern, method of word formation, structural type
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 88 — 93
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