DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-84-87
Terminology of language didactics as a kind of pedagogical terminology includes the most important concepts of linguistics, pedagogy, philosophy, psychology and applied linguistics. The number of terms included in the dictionaries of language didactics has been steadily increasing, and it can be seen both in domestic and foreign editions. The article deals with the problems of systematization of terminology of language didactics in contemporary domestic and foreign dictionaries. The main difficulties of systematization of pedagogical terms and terms of language didactics are determined, among them are: changes in the conceptual apparatus, spontaneity of occurrence of terms, ambiguity and inconsistency of terms and concepts, the desire of scientists to give their own definition of new concepts, tautology, incorrect grammatical and stylistic formulation of the concepts, the choice of the term formulation without proper reasoning, the uncertainty of the relationship between concepts, mechanic replacing of conventional terms, “fashion” on certain terms, the lack of mechanisms of official scientific recognition of terms. The main contemporary dictionaries of language didactics are analysed. Particular qualities of the systematization of terms of these dictionaries are characterized (the number of terms, their grouping, reflection of the relationship of terms and terminological groups). Some drawbacks in systematization and description of terms in modern dictionaries of language didactics are named.
Keywords: term of language didactics, systematization of terminology, glossary, methodical dictionary, dictionary of language didactics
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 84 — 87
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