DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-80-83
Every nation in everyday speech besides words and combinations of words use the sustained phrases, a variety of which is paroemia (eg, proverbs, signs). Proverbs are special units and signs of language, the essential elements of human communication. These signs convey specific information, refer to the typical life and mental situations or relationships between these or other objects. The correct and appropriate use of proverbs gives the speech a unique identity and special expressiveness, it gives the opportunity to enhance the learning process. This article explores the role of proverbs in the formation of the communicative competence of students in the classroom as part of the discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. One aspect of the formation of communicative-speech competence is familiarity with the language of one of the Mordovian people – Moksha. With Moksha students learn in the classroom for discipline “Language and culture of Mordovian people”. Therefore, we modulated the different situations of communication, different communication tasks. Proverbs help create a real atmosphere in the class, introduce elements of the game in the learning process. The authors developed the tasks conducive to the formation of a common culture of students, increase the level of linguistic competence and activity of students in the classroom, promoting education of tolerance and love for the native land.
Keywords: proverbs, intercultural approach, principle of communicative orientation, verbal and cognitive activity
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 80 — 83
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