DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-75-79
In the scientific-methodical aspect the methodical comment exists in two basic forms: as a type of information-methodical products and as an expert evaluation. Both forms are significant and necessary for theoreticians and practitioners of the educational process. In this article methodical comment is examined as a means of development and evaluation of the professional competence of the teacher of a foreign language. The most appropriate base (informative material) for methodical comments in the course of teachers’ training is proposed (methodical statements, quotes from scientific and educational literature, a description of the methods, techniques, methods, forms of teaching, educational activity results). Examples of tasks from foreign textbooks, which can be considered analogous to methodological commentary and author’s examples of methodological comments are provided. Such tasks were developed by the author of this publication for National Students’ Olympiads on the methods of foreign language teaching “Foreign language (English) and methods of teaching it” (Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2016), and their use has fully justified their scientific and methodological value as a form of evaluation of professional competence of foreign language teachers. The criteria of evaluation of the methodical comments are given (pithiness, validity and completeness of the comment, actuality of the comment in terms of matching the realities of modern language education, knowledge of professional terminology, examples as a support to the comment, observance of time limits).
Keywords: methodical comment, professional competence, means of development of professional competence, foreign language, foreign language teacher
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 75 — 79
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