DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-63-67
The article is devoted to the description of temporal lexis units with short duration meaning such as: moment and instant. It contains comparative analysis of their semantic distinctive features, variants of using and nuanced, contextual interpretation. The work touches upon the question of their semantization and metaphorization in the text. The paper deals with the description of the fixed collocations with phraseological meanings, which function in modern languages. The author characterizes fixed collocations as phraseological units, discusses the issue of their place in the system of modern phraseology and also presents a brief analysis of phraseological units based on temporal lexis of short duration. Structural and semantic transformations in lexical and phraseological units to a greater extent are determined by the national-cultural component that can be described as complex phenomenon that deals with a number of aspects. The material is presented from the point of view of anthropocentric paradigm and national-specific picture of the world. It provides a brief overview of the issue on the material of English, French and Russian. Comparison of semantic space of different languages gives us the possibility to identify universal human values in reflexion of the world around, and at the same time it permits us to find out something particular and ethnical.
Keywords: short duration periods of time, non-metricity, temporal indicators, moment, instant, cultural linguistics, national-culture specific
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 63 — 67
Downloads: 953