DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-56-62
The article is devoted to the problem of folklore motives and their language representation. In folklore studies the following motives are distinguished: birth and death, three kingdoms, big house, marriage, enchanted forest and magic escape. The latter is one of the most popular motives not only in folklore but also in literature. The author resorts to the classification of magic escape forms introduced by V. Propp: magic escape alongside with throwing things/objects, magic escape connected with transformations, magic escape and pursuit. Special attention is paid to metamorphosis due to which characters can transform into different animals or birds (a horse, a wolf, a swan, an eagle, a hawk, a loon, a bear, a ruff) or objects (a ring, a straw, a needle). The characters of a runaway (a young man) and pursuer (a witch, a sorcerer) are studied. The article makes distinction between fairy tale plots and compositions in Russian and Selkup folklore. Some common and peculiar features are found. Magic escape motive is regarded as one of the oldest, it dates back to ancient mythology and could be found in different folklore traditions. The author comes to the conclusion that different motives are interweaved in fairytale plots. Cultural and ethnographic background determines peculiarities of Selkup and Russian prose folklore.
Keywords: magic escape motive, plot, composition, prose folklore, magic, character, Russian folk tales, Selkup fairy tales
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 56 — 62
Downloads: 809