DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-14-17
Since the ancient times health has played a key role in human life and is the basic need. Keen scientific interest in the health problem is easily explained, because the task of modern medicine is the development of new effective methods of preservation people’s health and continuation of the human race in general. The object of the study of the article is the French medical discourse and the subject of the study is its speech genres. The French medical discourse is one of the institutional discourse types, which is a complex, multi-composition formation, interaction of advertising, medical academic, legislative (legal) discourse in the sphere of medicine, scientific and proper medical discourse. The leading role in the above group belongs to the medical discourse in the sphere of professional communication. The typical features of the medical discourse are professionalism, sacredness (the oath of Hippocrates), special ethics and conduct standards, a system of sacral signs (medical attributes), scientific character, accuracy, brevity, clarity, specific forms of communication between doctors, deontological orientation, tolerance, persuasiveness, linguotherapeutic orientation (orientation to “word treatment”) and the speech full of special medical terms. The complex discursive nature of the French medical discourse has generated a variety of genre forms.
Keywords: medicine, health, discourse, medical discourse, speech genre
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 14 — 17
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