DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-9-13
The article considers the key features of communication as a tool of linguistic manipulation in advertising discourse. The aim of this study is to investigate the technologies of creating perlocutionary effect in American advertising communication. At the stage of the interpretation the vast majority of American advertising works consisting of few words are transformed into informative and pragmatic semiotic texts. Nowadays the US advertising shows a big variety of products with different degrees of verbal congestion. As a part of this study we have found a lot of advertising samples which include the minimum amount of verbal text: only the name brand or trade mark and single-phrase slogan. It should be noted that even the most minimum quantity of speech act expressed by the well-known and popular person lead to the greater intensity and immensity of its significance. Having analyzed the fragments of advertising texts we conclude that the informative congestion of communication is fundamental to its ability to persuade with the only proviso that by congestion we mean not the number of language units but the amount of their information content. The findings of the integrated and comprehensive study of the informative congestion of discourse and text can be used in pragmalinguistics, text linguistics, functional linguistics, theory of intercultural communication.
Keywords: advertising discourse, informative congestion, communication, linguistic manipulation, language units
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 13
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