DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-153-156
The issue of creation on the basis of the website of a higher educational institution of the information resource center which will allow to apply more effectively pedagogical innovations is considered, namely: information and communication technologies in subject training (allowing future specialists to form professionally significant competences by means of the organization of special information environment which includes various forms of remote education), personally focused technologies in teaching (mastering of individual educational programs by students according to their capabilities and needs), information and analytical support of the educational process and quality management of the education of future specialists (an objective assessment of the level of development of each student, monitoring of intellectual development). Work on the basis of the information resource center promotes the development of future specialists in the skills to independently solve the problems in various spheres and activities. The ability to work with information and various information sources allows students to develop their creative potential, is a means of self-realization and self-training, and allows teachers to develop and define efficiency of conditions of inclusion of information technologies in project activity. In addition the work on the basis of the information resource center develops ability and readiness to provide information support and maintenance of project activity, ability to integrate and to creatively comprehend new knowledge and be able to transfer them to the professional area in the changing conditions, providing entry of specialists into information society.
Keywords: information resource center, pedagogical innovations, innovative technologies, project, information and project competence
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 153 — 156
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