DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-134-138
The paper discusses the conceptual framework and the nature of the educational environment, reveals four areas of motivating educational environment for mathematically gifted students – intellectual, communicative, cooperative and personal, determins the conditions of its formation and competence of a teacher working with gifted children. The authors have determined that the construction of the motivating educational environment for the development of school students gifted in mathematics is impossible without making the multilevel partnership, which implies the development of the network interaction. The network interaction is necessary for the development of the determined teachers’ competencies in work with gifted children. For the teachers to acquire the mentioned competences the conditions for their professional development are to be provided. As a part of the network interaction they could be created in the organizations of either higher education or supplementary professional one, where the work on the professional development of teachers can be performed. The analysis of the existing regional educational structures allowed to distinguish different types of the organizational structures for the work with children gifted in mathematics. Among the structures functioning as organizational cores of the work with such children are physical and mathematical schools, centers on the work with gifted children and other institutions.
Keywords: mathematically gifted students, motivating learning environment, networking
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 134 — 138
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