DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-226-235
The examination of different ideas and versions of salvation is found in a number of works by modern Russian writers, including Sorokin’s novel “Metel’” (Snowstorm) (2010). The central character doctor Garin realises his mission of the Savior. He is going in a place captured by epidemic of plague, which conditoins plot development. The allusion plan is important, since by building references to the Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries Sorokin rethinks the traditional for Russian culture questions: responsibility of intelligentsia to the people, possibilities of correction of low human nature (by divine effect or by following to ethics rules or a call of duty). Author’s understanding of soteriologic problematics is developed through motive of salvation and motives of futility, destruction, illness, entropy that are antonymous to it. The article analyses the images of characters and features of creative space of the novel “Snowstorm”. It is specified, that images of Garin and Perkhushin are referenced to traditional types of the Russian literature: a barin and a muzhik, an intellectual and a representative of the people, the God’s fool (blissful) and impious. The space of the novel is organised by opposition: home – homelessness (snowstorm). The home associates with paradise, safe existence, heat, and the snowstorm does with cold, death, lack of roads, potentially disastrous chaos of the life. The motive of a snowstorm is sent to archetipical (biblical) motive «storm in wilderness» that assumes tempting, moral test of the hero. In Sorokin’s novel Garin, who thinks of himself as a Savior, does not pass the test: he defects, isn’t ethically suitable for the high mission, cannot defeat human sinful nature. He is not capable to carry out the mission of the Savior without the assistant (an ordinary muzhik, carter Perhusha); and in the end he is protected from death by the price of the life of other man. The author ironically denied secular and Christian versions of salvation: neither the hope to God (Perhusha), nor the belief in the science and capabilities of a human (Garin) do not help to execute the rescue mission: Perhusha perishes, Garin expects a difficult life after his feet are frostbitten and he is found by Chinese.
Keywords: modern Russian literature, Vladimir Sorokin, motive of salvation
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 226 — 235
Downloads: 985