DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-144-149
In educational process every teacher faces either a decline of learning motivation level or even the lack of it. The problem of motivation is very urgent in modern Education and Psychology. Psychology and Pedagogy explore it intensively. Firstly, this term appeared in Psychology at the beginning of XX century to expand knowledge about human and animal behavior. Psychological dictionaries present motivation through the relations between needs – motive – activity. Pedagogy studies mostly the motivation of learning and uses the terms “motive” and “goal” to explain the process itself. Motive is a thing which urges a person to action, and goal is a thing which a person tries to attain as a result of this action. Scientists noticed that there are a lot of factors that form motivation to learning; therefore, a teacher should consider every significant part of student life. Modern standard of education is a cause of new requirements to the educational process, it is necessary to use IT technologies and the Internet. The article deals with the relation between students’ interest in on-line computer games and their motivation to foreign language learning. The research presents that student choice of English-language servers is usually deliberate and helps them to improve their communicative competence of the English language and motivate them to learn more diligently.
Keywords: motivation, learning motivation, motive, systemically-active approach, English language at school, Information and Communication Technologies
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 144 — 149
Downloads: 774