DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-11-116-119
In this article we tried to analyze the use of allusions in terms of a literary text used to create a comic effect. Allusion is a meaningful stylistic device in semantics of which one can find a pattern of knowledge that is due to be activated during the process of communication and thus sending the reader to the source of the original reference. The English language has a lot of idiomatic expressions, proverbs, sayings and allusions that are often used in fine literature texts, media texts and also in daily communication of English speakers. Allusion is important for making the text deep and its interpretations numerical. As a stylistic device allusion can be used to make the text richer. This device also allows the author to render his intentions the way he wants to and in some sort of an encrypted form, shape. The ability to see and decode the hidden message in regard to some fact that is well-known for a reader gives him satisfaction and esthetic sense of admiration from a self-decoded mystery. The reader’s main objective is not to just guess the reference but also to decode the idea, the author’s intention that he expressed by means of allusion. In this article we view different types of allusions and we focus our research on biblical expressions. Depending on the text genre allusions can have numerous functions. For example, in the comic literary text an author can use biblical expressions not make his text more religious or devout but to lighten the mood and focus reader’s attention on his own view on religion. Thus a reader’s opinion can be well influenced by author’s way of using allusions.
Keywords: stylistic device, subtext, reference, British humour, biblical expression, author’s intention, comic
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Issue: 11, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 116 — 119
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